Taurus self summary

  TaurusSummary of self

Taurus people slowly, they put the feelings as a kind of art appreciation, they choose to slowly carving, carefully taste.

Taurus people actually don't sincere, this is only skin deep, but not completely without.

The Taurus people seem to look silly, this is one way to protect themselves.

Taurus people hate others lie to him (her), but in addition to their favorite people, if you cheated him, he will be very clever tricks on you, also don't see the bag lying.

Taurus is a person don't discharge to others but to electricity to the only sign,

Taurus people meet like of the person has a sense of alienation, instead they will be shy.

Taurus people sometimes very bossy and strong possessive instinct,

Taurus people lazy be frightened by this trouble, so don't like to flirt with people.

Taurus people prefer a low profile,

Taurus people occasionally very high-profile appearance to the person, their character sui generis.

Taurus people are often said to be hot and cold.

Taurus people are often let a person feel they are unhappy.

Taurus likes natural thing,

Taurus choose clothes won't be blind pursuit of brand, will choose the clothes have qualitative feeling.

Taurus people are love their own people.

Taurus people have inclusive heart.

Taurus people believe that friends and love, is often cheat may also help each other for money.

Taurus people find friend's betrayal, but might be willing to give him another chance.

Taurus people tend to like Gemini has double character, to the deep to be found.

Taurus people half clear half sorrow, indifference, half half enthusiasm.

Taurus people ignore to strangers, for not familiar hot outside and cold inside.

Taurus people sometimes very patient sometimes not.

Taurus people are not greedy for money, it's just because Taurus has a "gold" word, in fact Taurus is white, represent beauty.

Taurus people careful, gentle, generous, kind.

Taurus people some arrogant, narcissism.

Taurus people like reading a book.

Taurus people enjoy listening to music to draw on the mop.

Taurus people boring.

Taurus people always feel nothing to do.

Taurus is very high to own request.

Patron saint of Taurus is the god of beauty and love Venus so high grade.

Taurus people like to eat.

Taurus is probably the first of the person you like is the lion, cancer,Scorpio

Taurus people understand romantic fantasy.

Taurus people like to try new things, but also very nostalgic person.

Taurus people are color, under a Scorpio.

Taurus non-ferrous heart have no desire for sex, so always say its only on the color of the person you like.

Taurus and Capricorn virgins, frowsty coquettish.

Taurus people are very heavy sentiment, actually is very sad for a betrayal, but they always have feelings for friend looking for a reason.

Taurus people best subject is almost liberal arts such as music or art.

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