Libra self summary

  libraSummary of self

Apparently for love, I pay more attention to the family, mom and dad love cannot be replaced, they put me to raise so much really not easy, they never asked me to return, they have to play to scold me all think it is their right, love, my other half, who would be so selfless to me?

Apparently have a lot of friends, most are women, not like the taste of men, and boys are now suspected show, be cool non-mainstream, looked at all uncomfortable, so male friends less, are mostly the type of temperament is good.

For money, though I know to save, but see like thing always cannot help to buy.

Apparently in the way people often say beautiful.

Apparently very impulsive, feel regret later!

Apparently a itself is a bundle of contradictions.Often just determined, and against his bo.Very lazy, love to eat!And it's hard sometimes.

Apparently a bark than bite!() in front of love, the more love the more hurt each other!

Apparently people make up our minds, always hesitated, oftenHave a mealWhat to eat, what to wear tomorrow, took to the streets to buy what bothers them.

Apparently very narcissism, and extreme beauty, it is always not confident about themselves.

Apparently the most can't refuse to people, the most to lose.

Apparently like fantasy.

Apparently being super face saving, even a selection object is the same!Can let apparently made enough face is the first choice!

Apparently a love to spend money, there is no financial management idea!Not sure how much your forever, spends much of her!Also very love money!

Apparently the most easy to heart, small thing sometimes other apparently extreme idea!

Apparently no ideal and goal.One day at a time.

Apparently being timid, and uncertain.Favorite funny, the pistachios are friends!Popularity is wonderful!

Apparently the most afraid of lonely, it without a friend is a very terrible thing!Very afraid of a person to have a meal, a person to go out.

Apparently forces eyes, look at the first glance will pay attention to the clothing to play with each other, it is easy to be attracted to each other a good appearance.If the other party has no taste, can only be out!

Apparently the most don't bear grudges!Even if someone has made a very excessive to apparently today, as long as the other active reconciliation, apparently also be nothing happened.

Apparently a face emotional attitude firmly!Like is like, don't like don't like!If the other dead to tie up lousy dozen, will apparently resent another day!

Apparently a personality conflict!For double character, the mood is good or bad will show on my face!

Apparently treat feeling is not exclusive.Easy to change heart, unless is really fell in love with.

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