Leo self summary

  LeoSummary of self

  Leo is very self

Judge Leo girl, the first point is their very self, everything is one's own feeling and mood, give the impression that they are very good, they will completely invulnerable to reveal the sun one side, like a big cat liked, but the impression is not good, they are either silent or show lionlike, let not around each other, they can be done.

Used to keep a distance of strangers, if it is to mix of ripe is enthusiasm to the person.

Proud, like to listen to good things,

Love lovely dress,

Hate garrulous all occasions.

  Leo little ambiguity

Don't like to travel, very little ambiguity.Would like to have people skills, have poise, lively and bright.

  Leo is better

Leo is better, to save face, certainly not to admit that you clearly know the mistake.King of the psychological control of the Leo people heart, make Leo when people are unable to show the true self.

  Leo to do things like make allowance for others

Do things like make allowance for others, also want others to give their face, who lose face, all go elsewhere.To hate people tend to ignore, if this person constantly make mean, will be hard to color, and let him after all hurt, hey hey.Woman.she, actually a lot of things in the mind all understand, don't want to intervene is acting stupid bluff in the past.

  The population of the Leo hard softhearted, is a very kind person

But the population of the Leo hard softhearted, is a very kind person, and are easy to be moved by the truth.Hate hypocrisy and affectation, and definitely not looking yourself think are flawed, but will reject these little people everywhere.Leo is rich sense of justice.Do things a little impulse but resolute, and will protect their appreciation, desperate to think are worth paying give everything for himself.

  Leo: negative and positive measures, character is very strange

Negative and positive, negative and positive measures, character is very strange, sometimes you show Leo naive romantic temperament, sometimes show conservative, reserved and shy temperament, coherent impression to the person, also is unable to locate your character.

  Leo cold-blooded, as opposed to hate

Cold-blooded, as opposed to hate.After break up, don't want to go to contact each other and be friends?It is impossible.To friends, and deep feelings, true flatly break one day, so don't be to have friends.

  Leo appearance is always the sense that gives a person is very cold

Appearance always gives a person the feeling is very cold, it is not easy to close and strangers, can't refuse to people, do things without patience, respectable, don't be in a lot of people want to embarrass me, even know what you said is good for me, also pay attention to the occasion.Don't control your emotions.

  Leo might be very indifferent to people

Leo may be indifferent to people (actually disclose or face, afraid to be refused, afraid of other people don't take reason, cold fear of others).If you really want to make friends, try to come a bit nearer, then you will find that the little lion or a man's "on the way".

  Leo passion, relative to a friend.

Enthusiasm, relative to a friend.How warm?You know this world the most make you trust.But you don't know, he hid some what.Leo in the mind is absolutely a forbidden area, it is a place where no one can touch get.

  Leo likes lively, because want to be a focus.

Like lively, because want to be a focus.Hate noisy, for fear of a focus.(contradiction?Personality split.)Extreme arrogance often take into a feeling of inferiority, so will produce many contradictions.Don't wonder how Leo suddenly feel hate to love before, it is quite normal thing.

  Leo: likes to be the focal point of striking

Leo people in noisy crowd it is often difficult to show the true self, inner and appearance are often contradictory.He (she) like the loneliness of vicissitudes of life, but not all don't like being looked at vanity, Leo like to become the focus of striking, this is a kind of like the psychological is king.

  Leo likes to enjoy myself and the person together

Leo likes to enjoy myself and the person together, even if the wordless, will suddenly in a good mood a lot.Because Leo is very sensitive, emotional demands of the quality is very high, always appreciate very special, talented people.

  Leo needs to free space

Leo people like the vast space, is not fit to live in a very narrow environment.He (she) need to free space, once imprisoned, Leo will despair and angry.And with its own heaven and earth, Leo will be very good, is the focus of the limelight.

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