Scorpio's self summary

  ScorpioSummary of self

Scorpio love like a volcanic eruption, hate up like the tip of the iceberg.This is some truth, Scorpio's love sometimes give each other a flattered, even some small-scale operations.

Scorpio doesn't like to quarrel, in most cases will use silence to replace the inner feelings.But if meet very annoyed, he/she would atone, the result is not outspoken, don't to say that the world's most vicious language speak to each other, slander each other.In the mind is to think, you don't think that is my good temper, you can push me around any, challenge my temper.Scorpio all had finished, the in the mind of not letting, instead more big, this may feel most people think impassability.Lovers may be scold the dog, but not for two days, Scorpio themselves take the initiative to reflect upon, for their verbal gaffes and regret.

Scorpio in and lover together, will become stupid, stupid to like the world is still, he/she may not consider any things will happen in reality, and the surrounding people for their opinions.As the breeze a Scorpio and lovers meet, will enter an opaque box, silly, also be silly get lovely.

When Scorpio and your lovers stroppy, at first they will be very firmly, is a kind of never concessions to the other potential of gas in the first place.A long period of time, you began to think of each other's good, so their initiative to seek reconciliation with partners like nothing happened.Although some of the gas, the scorpion's heart is a see lovers again "silly" in the past and a more exaggerated, Scorpio is some extreme.If one is really let Scorpio can't afford, scorpions will put the person before all of the "crime", don't need after a long thinking, would make a scary decision: break up!Once they start to think so, who are not, more think more feel to quickly implement the decision, give each other color to see see oneself is not afraid to break up!In fact, Scorpio are remembered in the future also will feel is not true, then firmly and lovers apart, this is what I know of Scorpio, Scorpio self contradiction and self torture.

Scorpio spoiled lover, sometimes even a Scorpio girl would like a "boy" spoil his lover, lover will try to meet some of the requirements, even if it is a little too much.No wonder it is said online Scorpio girl to live as a boy, because a lot of things they are perfectly capable of handling and resolving, and even in front of her boyfriend will also couldn't restrain yourself to do something which done by boys.

Scorpio MM don't like weakness in front of men, even though it should have a man to do, but when they see their own men at work is not enough and agile and natural and unrestrained, they will can't help but to pull down, make your own.To put it bluntly, they don't want to believe that this is to choose their own man "not good", but this is no mean they don't love him for his disappointment, instead they will be more love such a man, because they need her.This logical estimate will provoke antipathy many men...Because of this, will offend many men's self-esteem.Scorpio MM indeed is not very gentle very bird in accordance with the kind of person.

Scorpion were the MM and GG by competitive mentality, such as "racing" with others on the way, eighty percent is a Scorpio.They always defy spirit why others will easily exceed oneself, (though sometimes ride isbicycle!).It is also very funny.If encounter when angry Scorpio, you don't and their ratio, more than.The more and more is in front of lovers, to behave himself very "strong", even a scorpion MM they don't know why I was saying to do so.(personally think scorpion MM is not very gentle)

Scorpio's heart is very soft, such as: and lover acted peevishly, no matter who's wrong, as long as the lover back as long as it is not in principle, in less than a few "honeyed words" Scorpio is soft, immediately and lovers and be bored with together, as if nothing happened, although sometimes don't think so.Scorpio is the hard core of soft shell.

Scorpio's patience is not good.Although there are a lot of talk about Scorpio is tenacious, if let Scorpio in the face of a blubberThe child, they mostly will be crazy.Initially treat Scorpio will be relatively mild and constantly remind ourselves: to gentle patience, if not see effect, so it will be a seizure, noisy with military force to solve!Is to do the reverse.Scorpio will either in a small BABY crying when far away, not don't love them, but really bear.No wonder online say Scorpio cancer and Pisces fit together, because they are more like a child.So Scorpio will release half, woo hoo!

Scorpio couple positive criticism, or even angry.Although they know themselves do not satisfactory, there are shortcomings.Isn't not willing to listen to the advice of a lover, because the criticism of language will make them feel to each other to humiliate yourself, this is Scorpio will never accept!!!!If the other party in a joking tone to speak their shortcomings, they will be more willing to accept and inclusive in the heart grateful lover.

Scorpio love, the same thing happens, the Scorpio is more than they want to here three times, and those who came out the idea of mostly is the result of the thoughts, the final Scorpio themselves will also ask: why is that?They didn't even think happened.A bit weird!

Scorpio is afraid of loneliness, also very sensitive to feelings, each other or look in the eyes, one small action, they will see in the eye in mind, the next thing to do is Scorpio began to guess each other's minds, guess to guess, is to make each other feel my well-meaning and their lovers deep love.

Scorpio girl surface strong, mouth hard, hard to speak.In fact heart very vulnerable.When your lover doing so makes them very sad when they fail to make a is never the initiative to speak of with your lover, only silently sad, feel like a wounded, but brave statue standing in the crowd, indifferent to look at the side of those lovers sweet laughter.Scorpio to talk a lot less than usual at this moment, if the people around you would think that Scorpio and was angered, so far away all afraid kryptonite, actually she just got hurt, not in the mood again as usual, just a few laughs with the people around me.

If I found the people around you are hiding the Scorpio, Scorpio are also feel very funny, why people be far away from yourself.Is actually to put it bluntly, Scorpio's temper is not good, some people may think Scorpio is a crank, a bit moody feel, that although not be as obvious as the cancer.Scorpions heart will think of is, so also quite good, dispensed with and the people around to deal with words, just lonely.

Scorpio doesn't like flashy love, just want to flatly love, but want to forget.

Scorpio sometimes ideas very extreme, and lovers are good, for example, he/she will also think: if one day if you broke up, the other party will also be very regret, because of their love for each other is others can't replace.

Scorpio doesn't like to lay out some of his own ideas, lovers because shy or for other reasons, Scorpio himself said.They prefer or hope someone can guess their mind to, can only cherish each other every time is not to be so lucky to guess and action, if the other party can not guess the idea of Scorpio, Scorpio can couple disappointed, don't think lovers know yourself.

Have to speak, Scorpio people sometimes god fine quality, the ability of a fool is also quite strong.From their mouth can not be too difficult to hear some strange words, they don't, don't ignore lovers after reaction to hear these words.

Scorpio people are afraid of them have close related parties, such as family lover or criticism, with some of their accusations are not Scorpio does not have the courage to confess a fault, but they think that people don't trust yourself, even our own will make them feel sad

Scorpio people have a little Rene crazy for love in the characteristics of the kind of person, treat love is silly, straight.There will be a ridiculous idea: think you can give each other the best love the most love, each other was lucky;Each other at the same time also is the world's most happiness of that person, each other should be very satisfied.In a word, if you love Scorpio, he/she has done on the surface of the just to prove how much he/she love you.Cherish the love Scorpio, because they are very serious in love with you.

Scorpio's he/she is very hope to have the tacit understanding with each other, reach consensus.So he will do something near to each other, but this is not a humble, even if finally had to be a sweet smile to each other, for them, is a great deal of satisfaction and achievement.

Scorpio is the usual temper is a typical cold on outside, but they can be hot enough that not many people, the more surface of Scorpio is very warm to you, that can prove a little mostly, he/she is interested in you haven't got much.On the other hand, on the surface of belt for you ignore, but has to be near you at heart, of course, not every time is so, it depends on your choice.Scorpio might bother you bored to death, even the enthusiasm of the surface have to put it to you.

Scorpio is not a lot of gay friends, because they seem to strict definition of a friend, a fair-weather friends they are never see in the eye, even if on the surface and you talking and laughing, aversion to death inside.Of course they can clearly know what kind of person you need to make friends, only those who have enough credibility possibly play little mouth, will make Scorpio and to view their heart-to-heart friends.BTW: Scorpio is a very good to his friends, to eat some kui also doesn't matter, as long as the friend can talk to when they need to accompany them is enough.Some of the things for friends, they are in the same things as their own, eager to help each other.If you have a Scorpio's good friend, should be more happy!

Say say Scorpio opposite sex friends, before there is no formal boyfriend or girlfriend, Scorpio opposite sex friend or a lot.Because they think it is a kind of symbol, the symbol itself is attractive.This sentence is a bit too far!As to want to become a boyfriend/girlfriend, they are almost everyone thought, not flower heart, but Scorpio born love blind to think, imagine and how so-and-so if together, for them, it is a very interesting thing but just imagine, rarely take initiative.Scorpio's heterosexual friends also like being with them, because such friends between male and female gender boundaries are not very clear, they can be together like a good brother.

Once Scorpio have a boyfriend/girlfriend, had good relationships with the opposite sex friend changed.Scorpio will be measured and their relations, and never more easily.On the contrary, if Scorpio opposite sex friend with their boyfriend/girlfriend, Scorpio will keep their distance and good friends.Sometimes even a little sad, feel oneself of the opposite sex friend have a boyfriend/girlfriend, he was less a good "brothers".Even so, the Scorpio is sincerely hope that friends can get your own happiness.

In to break up the time between lovers, often make a phone call is not receiving a message back.Scorpio is very angry for such a situation.They don't think even to separate lovers committed to hide himself.Scorpio each other the more have no reaction, the more said some nasty remarks to slander or irony lover, in order to express my anger.Time is long, Scorpio feel relationship ends, but did not completely over.Sometimes they do some very strange things, such as with the other party don't know the new QQ chat with each other, to have again good will, though you know this is impossible.More a kind of idea is: fool lover, look at how on earth did he/she want to.This kind of thing happened in Scorpio girl more.

After Scorpio just know a new lover, Scorpio's action begins.Born 007 on this great opportunity to play, back all the ins and outs of the lover see he/she, it's not anything else, just Scorpio wants to understand new lovers said to himself that situation is true or not, they have been cheated.It's a little bit sinister.Even if found each other deliberately conceal or deceive, Scorpio will not be disclosed at that time, but step by step look at each other to expose, cannot justify.Scorpio, at that time, and then coldly say: don't pack, what are you thinking I knew it!Then off with it...Although Scorpio may be a little angry, but lie because eventually debunked the face to face each other, that's will make Scorpio feel a sense of accomplishment!In the heart will always despise people that cheat yourself.So, friendship remind: don't lie to Scorpio, once found, will face sweeping the floor.Actually very devoted, Scorpio is not allowed to cheat each other their feelings.Scorpio themselves lovers feelings very seriously.Once the input is, with all my heart, deeply loved.

What constellation Scorpio like divination, animal sign, they are concerned about.For a just know soon lover, Scorpio will have a lot of interest to see about constellation matching, animal sign and things, they in those things at the same time, in fact just to want to prove that your choice is correct, see two people match, Scorpio in the mind that beautiful so much.If said two people out of the situation, you can tell yourself in the heart: this is all nonsense!Alas!Scorpio, at this point is really some self-deception.

Scorpio forTo get marriedThis matter, there is a concern.They may marry someone knew less than a week and lightning, but that doesn't mean they couple not fussy.Scorpio understanding of lovers is very interesting.They have a period of time only to particular aspects of lovers know even fascinated.Etc. After this period of time, not at a Scorpio, will rush to go looking for other aspects of your lover, sometimes think: this person could not without faults, I must find it and help him/her to change.Marriage is a very happy thing.For Scorpio is a full of hope and dream.Just around you don't let your scorpion repeatedly disappointed with your performance, don't take this test their patience, for them this is a provocation, if you knowingly, Scorpio is never look back, determined to give up you, although not necessarily don't want to stay inside your feelings.Cherish Scorpio, they don't love most doping, pure, silly.Until you do too much too much harm to him/her, let him/her down, they will not give up to leave.

Scorpio is shy, always don't like in public and lovers have too intimate action, he/she will feel one's, even in the case of only two people, they also not too not bashful to his passion released in full, because: Scorpio are afraid of his enthusiasm scared lovers.So say: Scorpio or have scruples, far don't like say online behaviour.

Scorpio women understand the man in the world is supposed to be a brave and honest tough indomitable spirit, but also should timely understand the emotional appeal and so on.This requires some high?Hey hey.But in reality often Scorpio is not so lucky to meet such a man.If met feminine or narrow work of the men, Scorpio will put relentlessly looked down upon him, and then give a turn round and then walk.Instead male scorpion claim to own the other half is: want to haveA womanTaste, and it grows, the better, so that their bones that protect lovers impulse had play space, were the men don't like a strong woman or too naive woman as his wife, he thinks that a woman should be intelligent industry tender and loving family.They don't have much patience to coax a wife as a child, to education a sensible wife.

Scorpio's patience is not good.Although there are a lot of talk about Scorpio is tenacious, if let Scorpio in the face of a child blubber, they mostly will be crazy.Initially treat Scorpio will be relatively mild and constantly remind ourselves: to gentle patience, if not see effect, so it will be a seizure, noisy with military force to solve!Is to do the reverse.Scorpio will either in a small BABY crying when far away, not don't love them, but really bear.No wonder online say Scorpio cancer and Pisces fit together, because they are more like a child.A half relieved this sign.

Scorpio is born with a desire to protect, to go out shopping when their first instinct is to pay, not vanity, but a way to give yourself confidence, see each other meet times with a sense of accomplishment.Of course this may limit on girls.In short they like themselves in a strong.

Scorpio will seldom says to man, for the word.Because they think that one is bad, if will affect their image, so would rather it not do, will not be easily open to ask for help, they just don't want to owe others.

Scorpio is the tendency of some self-imposed torture, once brokenhearted, will not walked out the lovelorn shadow, for days on end.Heart longing for each other to come to their senses, is, of course, in the case of the other party first break up, though, if each other really back somewhat, Scorpio will naturally because that his bones of cold and flatly refused to each other.

Scorpio is had a hunch on some things, even if some things lover not tell honestly, Scorpio's he/she has already know the truth, but not to debunk lover, heart still will be a little proud, think of each other's little trick idea already under their control.

Scorpio bones have sad ingredients, so in case of a rainy day like this, they will "want" in their hearts, become very gentle.If is a person stay, may be stunned to his former lover or affection, or miss lover now.If two people together, Scorpio's tender feelings may behave better.(to say the truth, scorpios are usually not very tender feelings) Scorpio is like a romantic atmosphere, have their own way, of course, such as the two men carried a watch quietly outside the rain;Playing the umbrella tread water in the street, etc.These are all outsiders feel boring, but in Scorpio appears to be good.May be because of rainy days pressure problem, two people playing an umbrella when the voice is clear and beautiful!If you fall in love with Scorpio, so maybe it's a great opportunity to express love oh!

Scorpio's jealousy is pretty full, so, don't deliberately provoke their tolerance in this aspect, they will be very angry.If other constellations have jealous person, so can Scorpio is vinegar factory, anytime, anywhere can be jealous, even the lover to some joke will make them sad for a long time.So, Scorpio lover, please pay attention to oh, don't let Scorpio jealous carefree get boring can talk, time is long, Scorpio will be inconsolable sudden change, then what all night.

Scorpio sometimes duplicity, although in fact constellation of people too, but you...Is the kind of duplicity type not to be understood.For example: when I was a child family actively want to buy a toy for the Scorpio, candy, such as, Scorpio people clearly want to in my heart, that also will not on recognition.If family understand that bought them, they will be very happy, but if the family not to buy, the Scorpio will own secretly sad for a long time.This logic isn't it strange?Scorpio with lovers as well as make some oneself don't know what to say, for example: clearly want lovers to accompany oneself to so-and-so place, if is lovers first offered to go with her, but because of "love" for lovers, Scorpio will say: no I just go to myself.Lovers really not to accompany the Scorpio, so...Scorpio self-pity again even sad, why you say really not to accompany the without lover?This is a scorpion, love let others guess the mind of the scorpion, duplicity!

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