Sagittarius self summary

  SagittariusSummary of self

Sagittarius people always stubbornly think he has the extraordinary tolerance.

She will want to own too strong, and to think of others too fragile.

She is always worried about their behavior will let others hurt.She doesn't know, the injured is yourself.She just don't know how to show it.

She confused as others think, he will himself as a man of the poison not assault.

Often hear people say striker is very flower heart, in fact is a striker his bones is extremely serious to love people, they can love a person for a long, long time, even if is often surrounded by many members of the opposite sex friend around you.

Actually, Sagittarius girls are very sensitive, look be like what all don't care about, not careful, because they actually in tolerance you, so she would pretend to know nothing.

Actually, Sagittarius girls are very hard support, even one hundred grievance, are used in their own way, to bear alone.Really painful when, in fact no one can see.

When you get along with him a week later, you should know about his temper at all.Frank, open and bright, no drawing, he always put his likes and dislikes very easily.

He has a light, feel life is full of nature, kind and compassionate.

When his sentimental, he need the warmth of your arms, and when you are depressed, he can infect your sanguine temperament.Because, he is Sagittarius!

In fact feelings in Sagittarius, much like aThe child.Everything is so simple, simple to others complicate them.

The most important thing is, of course, and Sagittarius people together very comfortable, because they won't force you to do something is reluctant to do things, and often go with the flow as the creed of life.

Sagittarius looks so big women-especially mothers-who, it's hard to imagine that is a smart man, actually Sagittarius very polarized, sometimes is very smart, sometimes the but again like a silly 250 not long dong.

It all depends, he's happy just like hello, unhappy lazy and lazy people.

The most loved and most worrying is that naive.Though with philosophizing, too kind and easily believe that other people's character is very easy to kill.

Ta believes that the world is yourself.Black is black, and white is white.The idea is too directly.Sagittarius is stupid is as stupid does, ignorance, big step forward, blessing to easily.So the striker after someone must protect or lot to stand up.

Sagittarius flower heart is really very unfair, said striker is a big mistake like playing games, said striker points is not clear that friendship and love was ridiculous.

In their heart is only one love, once love, his mouth, the in the mind is everywhere, for the person I love for the other half of their absolute loyalty, absolutely responsible for!They also can give each other the same level of trust.If you deceive them, then the damage to them.

Occasionally play small temper deliberately not to return messages, sometimes just like an adult again coax to you be elated.

This is a most only know pay not understand for signs of the zodiac.Anyway, he will still put themselves in the behavior, all because care about you.Please be kind to each Sagittarius.

Sagittarius, is absolutely the most attractive signs of the zodiac.Don't too hard, but have superhuman wisdom, and strong sense.

Striker usually looks like a little flower on feelings, but it's because of the striker is earnest, responsible for their own feelings.

Striker won't take their feelings at the same time pay to a few people.He will only find belongs to own that.

Considerate care, married to the feelings of specificity, is also attractive.

Freedom is her favorite, you are only second, can't give her freedom and trust, she will sooner or later one flew over the cuckoo's nest.

Sunny boy forever smiling will qualify, sad just her temporarily, she needs to be always happy.

She likes amusement park karaoke entertainment city, enjoy in the fun, don't blame her childish, you will feel her love in the happiness.

Deceiver to death, you can silence, she won't ask you, but as long as you lie is death, you have a chance to argue, don't treat her as a fool.

She is careless, but she isA woman, as long as the woman is exquisite, she ignore things are not don't know, just don't mind.

Don't force her to do housework, if the striker is willing to do housework, she must have to take off the line.

Don't importune her makeup, the striker's advocate natural, element face down at the same time in order to treat people sincerely.

Don't be jealous of her man, striker natural sex is good, but the striker has been don't like to participate in love triangle, believe that you can get her heart.

The world is the most impatient striker, don't nag like tang's monk, tell her that you need, sit down and talk to her.

Neglect is one of the largest harm to her, you can debate with her also can match with her, but just don't neglect her, otherwise would love freedom she would run did not affect children.

She loves sports this belongs to the nature, if after the whole body sweat say directly to her, big opportunity.

Be careful her instability, perhaps today, tomorrow will change, let you experience a feeling of the half the flame half the water of the sea.

To get her approval by her friends, striker put friends in front of the love forever, unless it is first love.

She cherished a lofty ideal, don't hit her directly, you can accompany her dream, but the reality always in a way.

Striker's biggest advantages is the tolerance and independence, if you want to find a dependent people advise you to hurry up to look away, she is absolutely not pretending to be a Pisces.

Striker was wrong when the most depressed, the most painful when being betrayed, you'd better not do it, otherwise be fry even I'm not responsible for your home.

She has many shortcomings, naughty gives you a headache, but her lovely you not put, don't force her to mature, her pure natural tiancheng, middle-aged can also be popular.

Love her speaking out loud, diffident can not get her love, as long as you take the initiative to a point, she will show two warmly.

All say striker naturally gram scorpions, because haze has met the sun, if you want to do 007 reconnaissance her whereabouts, carefully after she found the you cancel out.

She likes to give you a surprise, as life is full of mystery, suddenly hold you to KISS you in the street but don't be surprised, this is her best.

She doesn't need big diamond don't need a milli curtilage, also she needs other people's recognition, in her view of trust is the greatest wealth, you can give these, must do.

Don't stop her to go to work, even though you are likely to have rich, career support her spirit, made her feel the vitality of life.

In reading striker has the extraordinary taste, don't easily give her books, to discuss with her first interest is very wise, usually striker on crime, psychological,The war, martial arts, was interested in.

People to err is bound to make mistakes, the best compensation method is a good meal for her or send some gift, apologize to her, by the way, if she say forgive you don't crap, don't forgive you before she'll give you dirty looks, don't say what.

Striker most don't eat grass back, don't envy her former boyfriend, believe me, she would never look back, even back is just at the end of the emotional and poured a pot of cold water.

Striker naturally aizeng clear, she won't drag their feet to the sentiment, she will not wait you procrastinating, and if you don't immediately decided you may never see her again.

She is ignored doctrine ritual, if she will go to see your family and clever, that means she really CARES about you.

You don't need to accompany her to go crazy to make (if we can go better, of course), but when she got home she need a warm embrace and words of encouragement, nagging her at this time, you will lose her.

On direction she may be an idiot, you go out with you leading the way best, at least you want to bring the map, if you are also a good tooth.

The most generous people bother narrow-minded, you don't like a man, next time you see her again.

Work resolute determined the most liked her, she usually does not consider the consequences and timely advice to her direction, her will depend on your mind.

She will tell you she loves you, then missing perhaps, fall in love with striker only for self, wait you have a lot of things to do to improve myself.

One thousand paper cranes is not as good as a street crazy kiss, her love is not the stream, but the vastThe sea, don't let her feel negative tired, she is yours.

If you marry to her, congratulations, stable striker after marriage usually many, become a peer respect women, she occasionally want to play, I think it is not difficult to meet her.

Don't accept her views may be sad for a while, she is the best way to explain to her, she is happy to accept your point of view and honest, the next minute you will see in other places of her joy.

Striker usually believe it, but they are not agree, don't argue with them on matter of principle, they are used to seeking common ground while putting aside differences in the way of life.

Striker love traveling, have the conditions to travel twice a year, best striker to foreign landscape without any resistance.

She is willing to accept the opinions of others, as long as you said that not only won't annoy her, may also get a kiss.

Nothing can make her love for life, to gain her heart for a long time you must understand the appearing and disappearing time, master is bad will make her tired, much sense motive to do no harm to you, because she is what is written on the face.

Striker easy softhearted, but she will not fall in love with weaker than her boys, let her see your strength, but enough is enough.

Striker still pushy, timely to her performance, or a few words of praise after her performance, she would regard sb with special respect or new views to you.

Everyone is ignorant, before the love she easily into a love is not ready to promise, she can add a yoke for his promise.

Striker has a tendency to runaway, don't too early to marry him, such as the time is right to make her feel she can get more happiness rather than from the marriage.

Please think twice before angry, striker won't unreasonable, a cry two make three commit suicide by hanging about you will be dead.

Three minutes heat is their habit, read is very wide, but not necessarily to be familiar with the changing of novelty is to maintain the feelings of

Like animals is nature, pets give their full freedom, prohibit abuse of pet in the presence of striker.

She likes to active and boldness, you can't lag behind in this respect, otherwise will only showed her flat.

Life is movement, even if you are not good at nothing could faze her frame of mind, as long as let her play, her patience will definitely be back to you before you are lonely.

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