This self summary

  cancerSummary of self

Cancer know what kind.You to them, they just for you.

This love is not equal to love.Affectionate and not promiscuous.

Believe lovers break up return can be friends, as long as each other like, hope you are all well.

If you can't give what cancer, don't provoke them, their simple than you think, don't you think so strong.

Self-esteem is very strong!More than money, is better than the business, is better than love.

Cancer need to get along slowly, because cancer is a passive sign, the sign of the slow, put don't open signs of the zodiac, know the longer, the better for you.If you just like cancer, cancer I don't like, is frequently the result of the contact will be more and more cold to you.

Tolerance.Cancer will only be tolerant to others but not for their tolerance is strict with himself.Often and themselves, don't ask reason, cancer oneself also don't know.

Cancer is not good at expression, if you can feel the love cancer three points for you, in fact there will be five points;If you can feel the five points, in fact, there will be seven points.Cancer is not honest, would dilute the expression of feelings, will suppress their emotions.

Don't hit other people, except when a joke.

Do not love hair message, do not love call, a lazy eggs.The special person will be an exception.

Love at first sight it is difficult to happen in cancer, cancer of love takes time.Like many people, but it is hard to fall in love with a person.Like water out of feelings, warm trickle, long long time.

Generally you will be a person, feel that was harmless.You think that's because there is no need and their serious.Actually the cancer will speak very straight, only speak to friends a intestines through to the end, the old said honestly.Too direct occasionally small hurts, but is good for his friends.Such as know the good friend's boyfriend and other women together, will not be afraid of a good friend and so sad conceal, the cancer would help outspoken, good friends to see the fact, in the face of facts, reduce the damage in the future.To this, the duty of cancer as a friend.

Cancer don't like to ask others.Don't mention to friends a bit requirement.If making requests to your representative for your love and trust, but even if you take the trust a person, what cancer rarely asking for.Because cancer is happy-go-lucky, calm leisurely leisurely attitude.And don't like to owe anyone

Don't like asking for too much personal friends, because they feel not polite.Also don't like to force the speak don't want to speak of the one you like, the crab will think that this is a respect.

Because cancer is very good, pure.Cancer will not like the others are fooling yourself.

Brokenhearted of the time like to listen to the sad love song.Since the wounded is out.Will delete each other's contact phone number, and lost memories.

Super strong aesthetic view, love all beautiful things.Such as the handsome boy beauty, but just appreciate, as a work of art.

Super powers, such as yao would like to see a person, do not meet.Clearly want to know who's message, for example, what all don't ask.Unless you don't want to endure.

Cancer attaches great importance to the inside than out, pay attention to spiritual than material.

Cancer have little request, for a friend who is good.It doesn't matter even if yali old man offend.Because cancer not angry not bear grudges to who will be tolerant.Even if hurt themselves.Just remember the good in people.

Hate who don't, just don't love talking to you, or simply ignore you.

Like to create a little surprise, like making little romance.

If two people who love each other each other, feel the presence of cancer development or hinder each other's future, will choose to leave automatically.Love you, so willing to, to give you, into a more happy place fly away.Love you, so willing to, don't stumbles you, fly to the happy place.

Accept ability is very strong, what all can understand, what all can accept, but please say it out.Because even if your guess, from there to listen to others, also hope to ears to hear you say it.Because of you, care about is your cancer.

If you do, a crab will say to you "doesn't like you," or similar words, is sentenced to death penalty you.Don't want to continue to work hard at this time moved to cancer.It's no use.Cancer is like spring, you work, the greater the they brought you to play more far.Cancer can be very cruel to you don't like, even if the heart be guilty will also continue to cruel, as this is when cancer is the most cold-blooded.If you still want to make friends, just don't do anything.

Little fool, big wisdom.Some cancers appear to be normal, but after a conversation will find some very simple things all don't know.Don't think it's a pack, cancer is such, surprisingly simple, everyone know things will not understand.Found that after the pure stupid also don't think that this is what all don't understand, big things can still wiser than you, more decisive and more insightful.Cancer don't you think smart, they have not pinch pennies.Cancer stupid, didn't you think they have a plenty of great wisdom.

After a beloved person will become very insecure, afraid of loneliness.

Don't flattering compliment, cancer didn't you imagine so vanity, don't you think so idiot.They can clearly tell which sentence is false, which sentence is false.

Cancer of the neutral, calm mind, men and women, treat problems won't because of gender issues and extreme analysis.Stride.Cancer do things seem always takes things, even in a very chaotic situation can calm thinking.Don't know why, return to nature.

Don't like to make a decision, how about little things casually, not so-called.Big things very like to listen to friends opinion.If you are a cancer can trust people they ask your opinion, you need to do is analysis, determine the cancer will to do it myself.If they think your analysis makes sense, in thought.Adopt feasible.If the cancer has his own ideas, once the decision even if the whole world against almost no change.Going her own way.In fact more or less some acted by instinct.But cancer intuition most of the time is quite accurate.

Gentleness.Tender is the nature of cancer.Even if the appearance is teddy boy or small too sister, also have a soft side absolutely.

Cancer has eloquently eloquence, misunderstanding by others don't explain.Don't ask why, it is not love.

Don't like to hurt anyone, would rather hurt yourself.Outlook is not optimistic, the like of the person sober said malicious words, duplicity.In order not to hurt anyone, and the result is to not only hurt others, hurt more but it was cancer.

ChiRuanBuChiYing gens.You are soft, cancer is not temper for you.You hard, cancer will also cross than you.A survey,The zodiacMurder record at least is a kind of cancer, but found that most of the death records are passionate with each other.This stubborn temper, angered the absolute dare to perish together with you.

In addition to the perceptual, cancer can also be rational.It will be very realistic to consider the future of two people, if you feel no future, just let go.The storm clouds.

Cancer of the emotional intelligence is low, in this kind of thing is a bit slow.

To cooperate.Cancers like to cooperate with others, accommodate others.Self awareness is weak.

Cancer actually is not good at communication, usually don't like to say too much.Small honest, conservative.Although small mouth stupid but know what words to say, what not to say.But on many occasions also sweetly petty, will consumedly square square to speak.It is also a cancer temperament extraordinary popularity a good reason.

Like people like themselves bickering fights cancer, but not loud quarrel quarrel or not.You want to fight, you can.The cancer can only turned to leave.

It is easy to get rid of the cancer cancer won't entangled, don't beg for love, not for love.Also, the cancer die of love, it is absolutely impossible love fire rekindle.

Cancer have little concept for finance.Often wonder how much money in your account, also don't know how much you spend.Quite willing to spend money to parents.For good friends and favorite people don't take the account is very clear.

You can owe money or what cancer, but cancer don't like owe someone else's.Cancer owe someone else money will memorize every day, always feel uncomfortable, owe their money also not great than others.Rational cancer more perceptual, unrealistic beautiful pure heart.See the blue sky will be moved, for example, will feel that life is really good.See begging the old man, for example, can feel poor, and then to the later have the ability to help so many poor people.So, when a cancer to you say his wish is to "world peace, everyone is happy", don't doubt the truth of it, because that good childlike heart is absolutely true.

Cancer is fragile, do not let others see their fragile, even the best of friends.What are the oppressed in the heart, don't like to find a good friend pour out, sometimes would rather took a stranger.Because strangers after hearing won't remember who it was.

Methodical cancers rarely emotion, it is difficult to be so few can also make cancer emotions out of control, if any, is to see the heavy things or people.Time will not long out of control, and shorter is a few seconds, is longer for a few minutes.Then soon will return to the previous peace and calm.Self adjusting ability quite strong.

Depressed or injured cancer don't need anyone's comfort, more will not abandon.Just need a space time, and the heart of optimism.Will comfort themselves, persuade myself cheer up, for their own healing, armed themselves.This time it is better to let cancer alone, because the appearance of friends won't have any help for cancer, and cancer more don't want to hurt his friends to see their depression.

Cancer is optimistic, don't like to complain, complaining more don't like to listen to other people to find your.So you'd better don't complain in front of cancer, even if you are their best friend.Cancer will comfort you when you complain about the first sentence, complain about the second sentence is will go along with you, the time to complain the third sentence, ensure that the cancer has lost continue to patience, although not shown, but you will find that the cancer has already started to don't talk, just "boon boon boon" "be around" "oh".Cancer can help your ideas, and do analysis, but absolutely can't stand continually complain complain.

Let cancer gets very easy, no matter male or female cancer cancer, no matter for straight or gay, as long as you play the woman and said two other RuanHua, protect cancer we won't have temper.

Cancer's friend is absolutely helpful enough, but a lot of time that cancer tend to underestimate yourself.Only when things can find.

Whether to friends or lovers, outside cancer absolutely favour is you, even if the wrong is you, no reason is, you will be with you together against foreign enemy, but later when you alone, will tell you where they feel where seems to be wrong with you.

Don't cry because it is lost in the presence of cancer and inferiority or care about, because cancer will never care about.Cancer think sometimes throw a person also is a kind of cute.

Cancer jealous when in love, also won't speak.You will find that the cancer was a angry gas doodle, speak a little voice-processed-sounding garble of Yin and Yang, natural won't give you dirty looks.

Rarely say commitment, once say can fulfill;Rarely say "I love you", said it is really love you.Like to use action to prove everything.Responsibility heart heavy.

Cancer does not love others, so don't doubt cancer honesty.Doubt is to make the result of the cancer to hurt, angry, also can become no longer believe in you.

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