The habits and customs of zhuang zhuang holiday information and clothing characteristics

The zhuang peopleCustoms and habitsZhuang festival data and characteristics of the clothing

Zhuang is a nation with the largest population in the ethnic minorities of China..Zhuang lived mostly in guangxi, mainly concentrated in liuzhou, guests, hechi, nanning, baise, left, etc.Including more than 100 in yunnan province has ten thousand people, mainly living in wenshan, honghe, qujing there is also a part of it.Mountains, zhaoqing in guangdong huaiji, guizhou congjiang and hunan on the distribution of zhuang.

Before unification in 1965 said zhuang, zhuang's claim to be and he said, the most common of guangxi's claim to be and he says there are major "cloth (boy) strong" "earth" cloth "current" "cloth according to (r)," nong "cloth" and so on more than 20, han said in yunnan mainly include "NongRen", "people", "current soil", "abo", claims to PuNong, actual earth, PuDai/dai, bree osbourne/cloth.Zhuang region distribution of limestone is very wide, is the world famous karst region, stone mountain, stone mountain in caves and underground rivers.The terrain constitutes the "guilin landscape tops those elsewhere, and yangshuo landscape tops that of guilin" places of scenery.Coastal is rich in a variety of rare seafood, especially in the southern pearl.Zhuang region climate is mild, rainwater enough, give priority to with agriculture, planting rice, maize, potato and so on.Fruit is very rich also, forest area is wide, is rich in liuzhou, silver fir, camphorwood rare wood, etc.Well-known Chinese and foreign notoginseng, tokay, and Hui oil are a specialty of zhuang area famous.

The habits and customs of zhuang zhuang holiday information and clothing characteristics

The history of zhuang

Zhuang mainly in lingnan, lingnan area inhabited since ancient times, have liujiang "liujiang river people" and "predecessors" gump, laibin, "kylin mountain man", "LiPu" lipu county.Douan map "dry flooded people" and "nine stare blankly mountain man", liuzhou "white lotus cave man" and "the dole" guilin's "treasure rock", "people die hole" of tiandong, lingshan county "lingshan" and so on.The pre-qin period, the guangxi region has Locke yue, who lived hundreds more in the "Locke as", "western" ou, "meets the road".Locke is yue ling nan zhuang ancestors of the famous countries, as early as in "book of shifu · king", which named "passers-by" the greater, zhu was right "shifu book training suggested" cloud: "road sound almost Locke, the more doubtful that Locke."The way that Locke, say.Shifu book also known as "book of zhou", is the pre-qin ancient books, most of the chapters from the warring states period, which is written on Monday, will this.In ", on the flavor, "and that" the bacteria of Locke ", han dynasty induced high note: "the Locke, name.Fungus, bamboo shoots.Locke is Chinese formulation, meaning the valley (mountain), or the bird, the more people language inversion is Locke.The national name, "the boy" is in the southern song dynasty.Sung people Li Zengbo "ZouYi" in the Confucian zong, mentioned "TongDing" appropriate shan.Poets Zhu Fu further indicate in the "smile creek pretty plexus" southern "people" hole "five: Japan miao, yao, liao, yue 獞, yue GeLao mouth".Later dynasties used "獞 (boy)", to the Ming dynasty "獞" a reference to increase gradually, but often with "yao" simultaneously.To qing dynasty "獞" (boy) of a reference has been are all parts of guangxi.1949 years later, after in-depth investigation and ethnic identification, and the people's government of the guangxi, guangdong, yunnan self-proclaimed "cloth zhuang", "soil", "agriculture", "cloth tiger", "class", "long", "nearly", "cloth" and "people", "the more cloth", "cloth", "cloth elegant clothes", "cloth," and so on of people unified called the boy.After the meaning of the word "boy" is not clear, and easy to read wrong, in 1965, according to prime minister zhou enlai's initiative, the "boy" instead of "strong", the "zhuang" instead of "servants".

Regional national autonomy.On December 9, 1952 in guangxi guangxi set up the western half of the boy region, in the spring of 1956 to the autonomous prefecture.Established on March 5, 1958 in the original scope of areas in guangxi province of guangxi zhuang autonomous region.Established on April 1, 1958 in yunnan province, wenshan zhuang and miao minority autonomous prefecture on September 26, 1962, lianshan zhuang yao autonomous county of guangdong province is established.

Zhuang name is vary with generation, its main origin: the more one ou ou Locke one west ou Locke a west ou Locke is a uri xushuguan a slang current a boy a Liang a sha nong zhuang, as follows.

The language of zhuang

Zhuang nationality has its own language, Chinese scholars will be classified as sino-tibetan strong strong zhuangdong lauguage, main points and the two dialects.Some foreign scholars, according to the word or words homologous words to Macao Thai language.Zhuang traditional text is based on characters created by the word "local custom".From China (7th century) "local custom" in the tang dynasty began to use in folk, han called the ancient zhuang characters, the zhuang people call themselves "sawndip", is the meaning of new words, because this kind of words is to use a combination of Chinese character radical.Because the surface is not widely used, but the strong words can not in nationwide, has been used for writing more for zhuang wizard, artists scriptures, folk songs, diary, record the words place names, etc., a large number of zhuang "cloth luo tuo scriptures" is the ancient zhuang characters manuscripts.In the 1950 s, the Chinese government experts had created based on the Latin alphabet of strong, and in 1982, and made a part of the revision.

Zhuang etiquette

Zhuang is a hospitable nation, in the past to zhuang village any guest guests are considered QuanZhai guest, often several turns, pleaseHave a meal, sometimes a meal to eat five or six.That have the habit of each guest at ordinary times, such as aKill pig, must be the village families each to a person, a total of one meal.The guests table must prepare wine, grand party.The custom of toasting for "drink cup", actually not use glass, but with the white porcelain spoon.

Guests home, will be in what circumstances to the best food and accommodation for the guests, the guests in the elderly and new enthusiasm in particular.Dinner should be the oldest of the old man sitting before dinner;Elders are still the vegetables, the younger generation may not eat;To the elders and the guests tea, rice, must be both hands to give, and not from the front of the guest pass, also cannot pass from behind their elders;Eat first to individually said to the elders and the guests leave "slow" eat again;The younger generation can not fall in the table after dinner.

Aged respected is the traditional virtue of the zhuang people.In the old man to take the initiative to say "hello", out of the way, don't cross your legs in front of the old man, don't speak foul language, not from the front of the old man to cross.Kill the chicken, the head of a dog than the tail of a lion, chicken become warped must respect to old people.Sitting in the old man, the man will call "grandfather," the woman says "grandma" or "mother-in-law";Meet guests or weight, active way, if encounter with the elderly counterparts, to take the initiative to help and to break up.

Zhuang costume

Zhuang costume are blue, black, brown three kinds of color.Zhuang women had a habit of cotton spinning, spinning, weaving and dyeing cloth is a cottage industry.Use since the middle of spinning cotton yarn woven cloth called "home", thick and solid, wear-resisting, then dyed blue, and black or brown.With big green (herb), can be dyed blue or green cloth, with deep pond can be dyed black cloth, with dye yam can be dyed brown cloth.Zhuang costume is different, men's, women's clothes, men, women, the tire of unmarried women, each has its own characteristics.

Zhuang men's and women's clothing

Men's right front and front opening two, right garment unlined upper garment, the bo without collar, clothing new from open to the center of the waist turned to right armpit, then leave three or four inches to a stop and skirt set more than one inch wide cloth edge, with brass buttons, and gird long belt;Double-breasted thoracotomy, long and umbilical tight unlined upper garment, only when it is in the work wear.And women's clothing is right without collar collar, just sleeve is larger than men's, nearly feet wide, long to the knee, enchase GunBian, edge article has wide thin, generally in two or three servings.Shoulder patch contrast in the outside, inside the seam 3 line, named "the bo unlined upper garment".Men's and women's shirts button button are new copper button or clothing.Trousers for men and women have the same style, his trousers have GunBian, commonly known as "cow trousers".Married women have Gun lace chinese-style chest covering, waist pants left hanging a ear shape tube, with key together, walk around the thrum of "sand sand!".Men who wear dress robes and put on a short flown outside, known as "gown matchs jacket", is wearing a round hat at first, then to wear a hat.In modern zhuang, wear the clothes type has the basic modernization, but the older generation, is still widely is given priority to with blue, and black two color.

The housing of zhuang

In ancient village of LinLi sweethearts in central guizhou upper paleolithic site (about 18000 years ago), found with tunnel "hit" glyph "high table" to civil engineering and construction, it is not only the source of China's "high table palace architecture", and is the world's first high "desktop" to civil engineering and construction.

Zhuang an epoch-making first step, make China the first took a farming society, caused the greatest human a green revolution, the human from hunger without fixed collection life, rushes out a domesticated animal food and clothing, creating farming, a green revolution road of life, the human is a glorious era of agricultural farming society.

The headdress of the zhuang people

Tradition, zhuang woman with silver bracelet to ward off bad luckThe little girlAnd girls wear.Unmarried women's love long hair, leave bang (to distinguish between marital status), usually put the hair on the left to the right (notoginseng) with hairpin, or Mr. Long plait, braided tail has a color towels, working with the braids plate fixed on the top of the head.Married women are comb longfeng bun, the hair by forward approach into chicken (chicken) hip style, with silver or bone Dan.Around green gauze of white handkerchief is rare, and multi-purpose black handkerchief or spend palmer heads, comb hair is more than middle-aged women more, and like to wear embroidered the forehead, winter women to wear black stocking cap, more hat fancy because of age.Both men and women wear cloth shoes, middle-aged women up labor of love to wear their cat ear cloth shoes, commonly known as shoes cat, shaped like a straw sandals, ears, and, with a flat yarn with string, ear and heel shoes to any binding to adjust tightness.Children tire: children's hat is made of two or three inches wide embroidered cloth sewn into without covering the forehead cap.Recorded in ancient books and vulgar "dew XianZu", "textiles (beam)", get on the beanie, this covers the forehead cap can protect the head is also a kind of decoration.babyHarness is much bigger than common han, the butterfly shaped, "butterfly" thirty feet, two feet four inches wide, embroidered floral patterns or gossip in the figure, but very rare with words, both sides "butterfly" nine feet long, feet 2 inches wide, the straps zhuang dialect called "la".After the founding of the straps gradually change small size, some straps embroidered on such as "in and out of peace" "happiness", instead of the original design.

Wedding customs of zhuang

Zhuang marriage, arranged in the form of free love and parents, generally enjoy full freedom of love before marriage, but parents arranged also often have interference.Zhuang monogamous in general.Labor rights of women and men are family, but only men have inheritance.Prevalent in the marriage system "not fall in-laws" or "sit", some places still keep the custom.Zhuang woman get married, it is a comb my hair, brush their hair by the matchmaker, marry a woman for the bride, bride is singing "cry to marry song", from crying in the morning to leave home, have a cry "the orphan" and "brothers and sisters" and "in-laws" cry to marry song.Main content is to parents, have complained that was born a girl to get married, marry after the exclusive have complained brothers their property, or linger on sister grew up together, etc., tune lingering, SOB.

"Crying marriage" is a kind of spread in zhuang rural marriage custom, has a long history, has a long history.Zhuang farmhouse where most people live, mountainous and remote terrain, traffic inconvenience, girl married, close to 2 to 3, far, hundreds of miles across different provinces, across the county, township, every day, don't be hard to see."It is difficult to meet as well as difficult," I do not know when is the return, focused, in tears."Crying marriage", is industrious and brave, honest kind, aged respected, hospitable zhuang family say goodbye to family, relatives and friends must emotion and soul.The so-called "crying marriage", is the girl got married in a "cry" generation said, the one that express leave feeling, greeting guests, a form farewell to their loved ones.

When the girl get married, want to eat meal "niang".Do on the eve of the wine from the older women in the family elders to girl dress and make up, dress up adult women.Chicken first round in the evening, at a ceremony in front of the room, burning incense paper, pray forebears.First cry grandfather (mother), parents, in order to thank for many years, said goodbye, "" open" or "qi".Young men and womenTo get marriedAfter, the bride will return home to live, encounter major festivals and the growing season was to stay with her husband's short, untilpregnancyAfter the permanent husband's family.Therefore, "don't fall in-laws" time for three or five years.In history, "don't fall in-laws" during sexual freedom, influenced by Confucian culture in modern times, think this is a kind of improper behavior, were forbidden, on pain or divorce, or compensation of a certain property.Love freedom, marriage autonomy.

Zhuang people's eating habits

Most areas of zhuang accustomed to three meals a solar eclipse, there are a few areas of zhuang people eat four meals, namely in between, dinner in a small meal.Earlier, Chinese food is simple, usually eat porridge, dinner for dinner, eat rice, dishes are also more abundant.Rice and corn is zhuang area is rich in grain, natural as their staple food.

Daily vegetables are vegetables, GuaMiao, melon, Beijing cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage, rape, mustard, lettuce, celery, spinach, kale, swamp cabbage, radish, from ma vegetables, even DouYe, sweet potato leaf, pumpkin, pumpkin, pea seedlings can be for food.Boiled in the most common, and also had a habit of pickles, pickled into sour pickled cabbage, sour bamboo shoots, salty radish, turnip, etc.Quickly out of the pot with lard, salt.

Zhuang for any livestock meat to eat, such as pork, beef, lamb, chicken, duck, goose, etc., don't eat dog meat in some areas, some areas but also likes to eat dog meat.Pork is the whole first boiled, then cut into square pieces, again the seasoning.Zhuang people habit to fresh chicken, duck, fish and vegetables made seven or eight mature, slightly after stir-fried vegetables in the hot pot is out of the pot, can maintain food freshness.

Zhuang people love to hunt cooking venison, insects, the diet has a study of notoginseng, using notoginseng flower, leaf, root, must cook has distinguishing feature very much.Zhuang is also good at roasted, Fried, stew, pickled and marinated mature method, alcohol, spicy taste hemp meta-acid, like eating cake parsley.Main specialties are: hot blood flourishing, torches, strong home roast duck meat, salt, liver wind, brittle bees center, spiced bean insect, Fried worm, liver they hare, ginger, white chicken fry notoginseng flower frog, Ba ram, etc.

Zhuang's traditional festival

1.The zhuang peopleThe Spring Festival

Zhuang from year to the first day of Spring Festival, the lunar calendar, a total of three days, but the fourth to the fifth is the Spring Festival period.It is the most solemn festival in a year.Generally started to prepare from the twelfth month, every household cleaning, sewing clothing, to buy necessities, Posting couplets, making cakes, kill pig, rice dumplings.The Spring Festival is a reunion day again, all the people who work in the outside, generally before the year 30 go home together, eat family reunion dinner.Relatives and friends during the Spring Festival, in addition, young men and women to go to the song, dozen gyro, dancing, creatively, acting and other recreational sports activities.Kill chickens and kill ducks every New Year's eve, steamed pork with powder and essence, make barbecued meat and so on.Not the dinner of the eight courses "plain chicken", have the family of the old man, pig feet, the whole chicken stew stew.To do a lot of rice, left to eat the next day, the symbol of the rich.

Thirty night every family to shou sui until the middle of the cock crow, burningSet off firecrackersFor used orientation.To set off firecrackers in the past, in some places means "cow soul" (words is called "the soul bosom"), mean the workhorse of souls is scattered in the field, and the ox soul move back, the New Year begins, what should the workhorse of toil is somebody else's effectiveness."Cow soul", some people beating drums, blow xiao flute, the whole village with a happy mood.

2,The first day, the first lunar month lunar calendar

Every visitor will eat rice dumplings.Zhuang tzu is relatively high.YiErJin heavy reed has big and small, big, small 232, there is a call "the wind's" heavy (rice dumplings), weighing YiErShiJin.Zongzi main raw material is glutinous rice, but to be filled.Stuffing is made up of skinless mung beans, half fat or thin pig skin made with the sauce, held in reed heart, after cooked, the taste of the sweet is dramatic.

3,Top section

In the home of the guangxi zhuang, held once every year, the famous sports event, gyro section.Time is from JiuLiNian two or three days before the New Year's eve to New Year's day of the first 16, lasted more than half a month.Gyro, words is called "le jiang", it has small, light weight.With large such as the field pomelo of the river, a jins, there are small as goose eggs, there are 232.Production of gyro must choose high quality solid wood.It's "head" smoothly."Play" with two or three feet of hemp rope, round up around until he thinks the proper place, again with the right hand ring finger and little finger nipped the end of the rope, quickly is turning toward the ground, gyro "shout" turns up.Good quality of gyroscope, plus turning technology, turn up as long as seven or eight minutes to fall down.Played gyro is very busy, I won the first prize rong said the "king of gyroscope".Is said to have played since the rise of the fog, a history of 300 years.

4,(3) nodes

Two nodes, funing county, wenshan zhuang and miao minority autonomous prefecture of yunnan province and near the zhuang people's a traditional holiday."Two ends" (words, field dam), is the words transliteration, meaning to a broad flat place together.According to legend this festival has a history of more than 700 years, the original is in honor of the national hero nong (zhuang), high in April in 1052 AD opposed against the deeds of song dynasty.Now, he has developed into a side street funing county and adjacent area zhuang, yao, miao, yi, the han people of all ethnic groups communicate supplies, celebrate this traditional festival.In the northern song dynasty years, in order to resist the feudal rulers cruel oppression and exploitation, nong think high rate of the guangxi zhuang revolt, win successively, establish "south the kingdom of heaven", who "south heavenly Kings", nanning, qinzhou, guangzhou, so powerful.Later the rebel defeat and retreat to funing.Northern song dynasty rulers to quell peasant uprising, weaken the rebel forces, the zhuang people's severance to guizhou and other places.Before leaving, the zhuang people are gathering, sad have a farewell talk, charged villagers return reunion next year.Since then, every year lunar calendar in March, the strange land of zhuang people's home village with friends and family reunion.Over time, forming a "two ends" section.(3) nodes from the beginning of the lunar March 25, lasted three days.First, as the host of the village, kill pig slaughter cattle, in the field the dam by stage, ready to receive the guest's accommodation.At that time, girls wear skirts, cuff set with silver and embroidered with lace XieJin jacket without collar and batik skirt, wear zhuang jin chest pockets, wearing embroidered shoes, various flowers, beautiful.Burly guys and girls together, singing and dancing, until sunset.Still have the desire to be able to continue with the girls in the village also song.

5,Eat vertical section

Eat vertical section, is longzhou county of guangxi zhuang autonomous region, and pingxiang city area zhuang people's special holiday."Eat" words means "celebrate".The zhuang people known as the tradition of celebrating the Spring Festival.But in 1894 the Spring Festival approaching, the French invaders I border, in order to fight the invaders, fought in young adults, kill, and to defend the homeland.On the 30th, war soldiers kay turning back, villagers kill chickens slaughtered sheep, do glutinous rice samples, hospitality, and celebrate this victory, the Spring Festival to mend.Since then gradually formed for vertical section.The lion dance, the dragon, during the festival, people singing and dancing, very busy.

6,She pay a visit on holidays

Funing county in yunnan province shell pass ning, Mr. Wu zhuang town, April every yearThe rabbitThat day, all want to kill a cow, a pig, and two chickens and 48 fish, to worship the mountain, the drink offering zhuang women worship her (a legend for nong think high mother).That day, men, women and children were present, the etiquette is very grand.From her worship is a zhuang to the head of the shanzhai, she led the zhuang people with officers and soldiersThe war, after failing to be slaughtered.And they buried her to the top of the mountain and hill called her worship the mountain.Each year to the day of worship were killed, the zhuang people are slaughtered pigs to her.Such festivals every year, never interrupt, over time, formed a festival - her to extend holiday greetings.

7,Prime of life

Also called "will also benefit," the Spring Festival is called "will", namely the han period.To mature in the twelfth lunar month, at the end of November for the New Year's eve, used to call "wines of yi long", meaning for ErJiu (no matter small month monthly, so name).Japanese, QuanZhai collect money to buy a pig, (some villages in turn by the special feeding pigs) slaughter jing si club king, pray for good harvest.

Legend has it the ancient oncekillThe club and then to pig generation, social king shed generally located in the village at the foot of the tree, offerings, presided over by a troll male, women and homeA pregnant womanMen are not to participate in, before the club tent kill pig respect for, collective worship, solemn, no noise, talking and laughing, to avoid wearing white, blouse, or else the harvest is not good, green beast.Offerings, will be cooked pork by worth cent, a string, each home as a "soul" main offering promotions.From New Year's eve to the grade, the worship of land before, it is strictly prohibited to people inside and outside.During the ten days for the Chinese New Year festival, CunCunZhaiZhai beating drums and flute players to play the piano, satisfying pleasure.Friends and family visits congratulations, youth play mountain village by the players.Send some back to the surrounding ethnic brothers coming near to the miao, dong, yao, han race, to come to visit, some still cannons, drums and blowing sheng, celebrate, beaming everywhere, filled with the unity of the atmosphere.

But the prime zhuang village, adhered to the annual Spring Festival, its activities with the local han Chinese are the same.

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