Taurus DE happy marriage manuals

lowTaurus(4/21 ~ 5/21)

Do not love the handsome boy beauty, love unique temperament

Sincerely responsible for Taurus, when one of the biggest loves Achilles' heel is not active.For affection, they asked for specific to understand the concept of profession and active, deep and thoughtful philosophy, excessively abstract text, it will let them beat for key and uneasy.

Taurus DE happy marriage manual _ the zodiac

Taurus lover rarely carried a game world attitude, responsible for the feelings to the end.And they love to Venus rules, love energy once broke out, often quite impressive.They love everything beautiful, graceful, so can move their on the vision, it is soft, good temperament and unique object, is too beautiful and too handsome man, they will wonder if ACTS have appearance, head is empty, so it won't come to the handsome boy beauty on the offensive.

libraElegant the most can move their heart;Other such asAquarius:Confidence and agile, also can make them deeply fascinated;cancerGood temperament, they also very few can resist;LeoSelf-confidence, can capture their attachment.

But they can move the Taurus constellation, the future can and they long for a long time, it remains to be tested.But if want to be a lover, and can when the husband and wife,virgo, Taurus,ScorpioandCapricornCan consider.The appearance of these people may not necessarily is the most beautiful, but because of the temperament, character and Taurus people closer, feelings is not easy to smuggling, often after a period of time, shrewd Taurus will find who is the most match their relationship partner.

Being steadfast walk hand in hand for life

Taurus people loyal to a relationship, but it is not easy to get along with, this is only really lived with them, can feel deeply.

Taurus people don't value life interest, especially after marriage, but also to the spouse to complain, because they like to live a comfortable life, don't like too many ups and downs;And their demands for spouses living capability of many, also has a high standard.It is because they all want to show their attitude to marriage is responsible for, but this kind of respect, doesn't mean they won't cheat on spirit.Furthermore, based on the insistence of traditional values, they also tend to be general to the requirement of spouse couple's role play.Therefore, Taurus's husband, wife and lover, different roles of the four-walled energy is distinct.Can fall in love with them, do not represent can step with their hand in hand to the other end of the red carpet.(The zodiac/astro/)

Libra collect inside reason, Scorpio and Capricorn is sedate sureness, are attracting their personality traits.This sign homesick and sense of responsibility, virgo, considerate care, is when the husband and wife the best candidate.Fire sign Leo,AriesandSagittarius, because the personality independence is strong, I'm afraid I will make them feel fear and anxiety.Air sign, Aquarius, because of rebellion, and rich revolutionary spirit, make them feel a restive.PiscesDue to excessive loose and lack of marriage should bear, and they can't accept it.Taurus Taurus, although it and bore tip of the cold war, but two people's efforts in the same direction, life together had gone well, no wind, no rain.

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