Scorpio DE happy marriage manuals

lowScorpio(10/24 ~ 11/22)

Do not love it, a great love

Scorpio, men and women with deep affection to the attitude, often venerable.How do you say?Animals because they basically is not romantic, but once the estrogen, the most serious, rarely carried a "game life" attitude towards relationships.

Scorpio DE happy marriage manual _ the zodiac

Due to the nature reservation is deep, for the expression of love, but not too direct, so in love with Scorpio man, should have "grok" tacit understanding, at any time if you repeatedly ask them to hang in the mouth, love will make them due to the very uncomfortable cringe, escape.

Scorpio people, the most can't stand it betray.For emotional affair, they have the innate discomfort, so Scorpio lover, mostly can't allow they have opposite sex friend lover.And very jealous of Scorpio, once think betrayed, they take revenge, but rather frightening.

In such circumstances, promiscuous and openSagittariuslibraAquarius:andGeminiThat is the most afraid of the constellation scorpius, because for them, affectionate and two-timing less terrible.romanticPiscesAnd emotionalcancer, although with Scorpio sparks of love, but held by the attitude to the love, in Scorpio, it seems, may be a lack of homemade binding.TaurusWith Scorpio fit physically, but on thinking and depth, Scorpio will still be dismissed as shallow.

Each but the signs of the zodiac, is still the most can move the Scorpio, because they haven't realized the advantages or disadvantages reason before, still can enjoy the beauty of love to say again first.

Betrayal is the only being the death penalty

And Scorpio people stay together, not easy.They rarely dissects her in front of outsiders;And their requirement for marriage life is far too meticulous, these two things are easy to make partner can't stand it.Don't like to discuss his own character, there is quite a mystery in the eyes of some, but the shortcoming is too keep all things, as time passes, easy cause unrest.Then the first-class work, Scorpio who accumulated grievances and emotional garbage, once the outbreak, quite powerful.Scorpio's men and women, is to belong to the sort of "faintly clingy type" spouse, they won't understand said "I need you", but if in their most in need of your time not see you, abandoned and lonely sad NuMa into hatred, power is very strong, let you down, so don't take lightly.(The zodiac/astro/)

Scorpio for pragmatic and faithful partner, on the mind and body can fit with them.CapricornThe lover of, cancer may be boring, but once Scorpio and become husband and wife, could establish a stable relationship.Sagittarius and Pisces if we can overcome the superficial and weak, also will be a good tolerance, and can affect the best person for Scorpio with optimism.virgoA due diligence carefully, they will be satisfied with good companion.

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