Leo DE happy marriage manuals

lowLeo(7/23 ~ 8/23)

Do love I will listen to me

Leo is a good lover?It depends on what you want.They are not romantic, but love to them, doesn't mean;They do not take the section, but the big place must be considerate;They don't love sweet words, but the some consideration will not less.If the expectations of love is pragmatic rather than romantic, so the performance of the Leo can definitely pass the.

Leo DE happy marriage manual _ the zodiac

Leo's narcissism, only get along with their actual talent will understand, no matter how to say, their favorite, will always be yourself.For love, the Leo lover expect concrete actions and essence of feedback.The Leo men and women prefer to be loved to love, in love on the performance of the arbitrary and militantly proclaim.They feel good things, also want to lover accept according to the order.Great man's doctrine of male lions, the most like to have smallA womanWomen's personality traits.CapricornPiscescancerandlibraEach has attract their advantages.As for the Leo women appreciate men capable, confident, decisive,SagittariusGeminiAriesAquarius:, it is possible "tail" of the object.

whileScorpioThe mystique and gorgeousTaurus, sending out the unique charm, may be deeply attracted the attentions of the Leo at the beginning, but after get along, often found that the lack of the ability to compromise and tolerance to each other and break up.So if you don't have enough patience and tolerance, it is difficult to long with the Leo lover.

Compliment, Chang Baoxian marriage

The Leo men and women, are all good spouse, expectations for marriage is big, but their high demand, often become the source of the marriage pressure.Due to the natural disposition is not very good at express emotion, and sometimes it will to express themselves in a serious attitude.People who do not understand, will often think Leo's spouse subjective, arbitrary, self-righteous, not understanding.In fact, the nature of the Leo, not as a meticulous care role, they expect to be loved, the rest of the generous pay again next.

Fire sign of Sagittarius, due to the disposition optimistic, cheerful, informal section, for the strength of the Leo character, more tolerant.Capricorn's character quite roll with the punches, and have a sense of security to authority, so if Leo and become attached to, can do their job, play the role of a good husband and wife.

Your self-confident, hope your spouse can timely praise him, the athletes, should be the wind of the eloquence good sign, Gemini, libra and Aquarius, easy-going in character and easy, and as long as each other have capital pride, conceit in their view, is not weakness, it will take orally communicate with each other, even be together for life.(The zodiac/astro/)

Taurus stubbornness and stubborn in personality is Leo,virgoThe nagging and fussy, Leo will not stand.As to belong to the same fire sign Aries and Leo?You'll have to look at each other's ability.

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