Cancer DE happy marriage manuals

lowcancer(6/22 ~ 7/22)

Do not two-timing, just too sentimental

Seemingly gentle affectionate cancer, to love themselves, fantasy over reality, so often appear with reality.And cancer is give a person the feeling of feeling is not exclusive, it is natural for the sake of beauty and ambiguous relationship can't resist.

Cancer DE happy marriage manual _ the zodiac

Derailed at the same time like a lot of lover, in spirit, is the issue of cancer often face, to this kind of character they often self torture case, because they always will fantasy into practice, Scott, cause I don't know how it ended.

Emotional loyalty is highCapricornandTaurus, and the sign of cancer are together, will be always worried.And romanticPiscesAnd charminglibra, the most can bring cancer good love.AriesBold love, then let cancer flattered.SagittariusFrequently, may make cancer valentine tempted at the beginning, but if you know the other side of the gay and straight edge as good as his, will also feel uneasy, I'm afraid.

LeoConfidence and dominant type love coping styles, for cancer a dependent personality, is attractive charm and pored over.GeminiAn endless supply of love alive, can also open the cancer love heart, whatever how match degree, but the results will certainly made an impression on the cancer.

Oblivious to caress it is never too much

Sensitive fickle cancer, it is hard to please a spouse, often to the requirement of the other half is very high, so want to enjoy life with them, can have the full mental preparation.

Hope someone can offered to cancer care, emotional performance is very reserved, and because natural anxiety caused by, it is difficult to fully trust a person.With patience and care is the key to maintain their marriage, cancer, can't stand aloof and overly independent spouse, so timely show depend on the heart, let cancer know his place in your heart, is very important.

People like, in a stable growth of the cancer, vigorous love is not to their liking, therefore the Taurus,Aquarius:And Pisces, it is a good choice.And like to play the leading position of Aries and Leo will definitely make cancer feel great pressure.

Sagittarius love walking around, not the personality of the home, will cause cancer.Used to cancer, stable and easy and comfortable life favorite actually or Capricorn regretless pay similar and pragmatic living personality.(The zodiac/astro/)

Romantic cancer, like love also like to be loved, so if you want to have a sweet relationship, pay attention to the love of life section and thoughtful way, the most makes them feel happy.Direct bold way of love, it will make cancer doubt whether participants got the motivation of sincerity, so compare insurance or go the traditional route.

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