Virgo DE happy marriage manuals

lowvirgo(8/24 ~ 9/22)

Nurture feelings road of reason

Virgo man, might not be the most romantic lover, but they are good at sense motive, for lovers and the need to clear and anger.While love each other, but never lavish love each other, understand the reflection and abstemious, virgo is deemed one of the most successful place, such qualities match again sharp vision, make them become the most astute lover.

Virgo DE happy marriage manual _ the zodiac

In the feelings of the road, virgo men and women rarely eat loss for the second time.If they are in the emotional setbacks on the road, must learn the lesson, and try to never again, and the more tumultuous emotions, more to their senses.Celibacy in virgo, actually is not a horrible thing, for love, they never go to his head, lost his blind.

Virgo, although critical to nag, but is not real, they appreciate have temperament, self-restraint and talent, no matter in the end is not really can make a successful match, a long long time.Sign of windAquarius:GeminiandlibraWater signScorpio, a fire signLeoAs well as the earth signTaurusCan and virgo men and women to wipe out the spark of love.However,PiscescancerPromiscuous,AriesA cowboy and selfishCapricornThe self-discipline of boring and not very good at expressing, it will not be a virgo will admire in the heart.

Because tolerance, can be together

Virgo man, are not good get along with, want to stay with their life, have the virtue of tolerance and understanding.Virgo's spouse, is good at fatigue bombing, for the trivia of everyday life, you can specify, then all the moments.If you don't like to listen to, and have no patience, so a virgo's spouse, but will be disappointed to you, to complain about.

Personality is quite practical virgo men and women, once married, can be set to manage a home.Emphasis on division of labor is virgo, fairness and responsibility system, the family it very meticulous.Always uphold the principle of virgo, rarely make an exception because of love, or against their own beliefs, therefore, to the requirement of the other half is tough.

Earth sign Taurus, Capricorn, because itself is also attaches great importance to the family, responsible and stable, so would be a good partner, but virgo likes to taste good, smart and talented, so attracted to Gemini, libra, Scorpio, and Leo is likely.(The zodiac/astro/)

As for Nemesis virgo character Aries,SagittariusIt is also possible for dispute and wipe out the spark of love.Tame Pisces, cancer, is everyone like the ideal partner, as long as virgo can tolerate them love and mercy, or it will be a great fun in get along with.

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