Eskey speak the constellation of Aquarius

Aquarius woman is a contradiction of the lonely, is the earth's passengers, Aquarius woman force yourself play the role of earth during the day, they hide their personality in sharpness in the bottle, so often give a person stay out of the cold feeling.Actually, Aquarius woman this "hidden" is the reason why they miss friends.I suggest Aquarius woman writing or talent show can be used to flank express their individuality, and let your is predestined friends the human to see you.

Eskey sign of Aquarius _ the zodiac

Want to fix Aquarius man need a surprise, because they are immune to conventional basic love offensive.Aquarius man like "special" transaction, the easy to the opposite sex "special player," so you want to catch Aquarius man means you need to come.Again, Aquarius man also like "many suitors of the opposite sex," because they love challenges and difficult, and to catch up with the side of the "red" as the pride, so you imply he, say you have a lot of people like, maybe went out of his appetite.


The whole image of Aquarius, and is like a water is always out of the bottle.'re likelier to carry the bottle symbol of Aquarius, can absorb a lot of new knowledge, especially about the science and strange, also can form all type to interacting with people;Also said the others often do not know what inside the bottle is filled with medicine, which is hard to know others Aquarius people think twice about what's going on, is the standard according to the CARDS out.If on the water side, Aquarius: the water is not like the water, but rather represents the fluctuations of meaning, because of Aquarius especially with waves, light waves, sound waves, and the role of brain waves.At the same time, a bottle of water is constantly flowing, which symbolized the Aquarius has always make no shortage of new ideas, inventions, reform is its main characteristics, but also do not allow others oppose the idea of it.Among the signs of the zodiac, therefore, to change ideas, perceptions of Aquarius is often the most difficult, because it is the "iron" signs of the zodiac.

Aquarius: the flow of water, also means that Aquarius is following in the footsteps of time, or even walk in front of the era, so Aquarius is associated with progressive and freedom of thought.But, if it is in a public environment for avant-garde and forward Aquarius may instead take traditional and conservative stance, because it is different with you all.

Aquarius symbol for the water and air wave, but is a representational and abstract;From the myth of Aquarius, we can see that freedom-loving Aquarius and individualism.Symbol of the wave of Aquarius, is the representative of a highly intellectual qualities by the wave of Aquarius to think, law but not appear to have specific image, is an unpredictable constellation.

Aquarius:The symbolism of the

Is: independent, creative, individualism, innovative, fraternity, scientific, logical, humanitarian, innovative, distinctive.

Negative: unpredictable, apathy and illogical, eccentric, revolution, divided, radicals, rebellious, withdrawn, relentless.

Body: the ankle, leg, calf, tibia.

Disease: an ankle problem, tibial pain, legs disease.

People: the astrologers, inventor, revolutionaries, specific part good, friends, and community.

Matter: invention, new technology, society, humanitarian, and datong in the world.

Content: lightning, wave, computers and Internet.(The zodiac /astro/)

To: the public space, the parliament, laboratories, research and development.

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