Eskey speak the constellation of Pisces

A Pisces man is a complex contradiction, communication will always give a person a kind of "gone with the wind drunk" hazy feeling, what you said to him, he will not answer you, love to quote a classic movie dialogue, love philosophy: what answer you, reveal their own romantic emotional appeal.Pisces men grew up like to unpleasant things in reality or frustration, digested in the fantasy world, rely on imagination to ease pain, also highlights the characteristics on love mate.They like to "stars" of girl, can't stand unimaginative partner, want to fall in love with them, you'd better be familiar with the TV drama, Korean dramas, they or the classic of romance novels plot and dialogue, when he reminder of the "wave" in front of you to show off their difficulties the little jokes, when you...When......When......Lines memorized the inflow, can you answer the sentences, he said he must see you treasure in this lifetime, willing to play with you for a lifetime.

Eskey speak the constellation of Pisces _ the zodiac

Is high marks of a Pisces woman, although sometimes "tai chi", love said "pun" but do odd things or a spectrum, in particularPiscesProfessional women, before work conscientious, meticulous in the majority.Around a Pisces woman, if want to get is not hard to love, you don't lack an opportunity, but want to remind you is dating must have principles, especially cannot let affection and friendship of the blurred, many a Pisces woman is not in death no one to love this point, but trapped in the rotten peach blossom heap, missed his edge.

"People don't have to take it, don't look at, but they could not escape, because taste with breathing."Pisces is looking for a kind of beyond hearing, sight, touch,...The way.This way, colorless, odorless, naturally, with shortness of breath and heartbeat, convey subtle, this is a great music sound, elephant invisible taste, is the taste of love


Pisces the overall image, as if is do bi-directional swimming two fish in the sea.If fromThe seaTo see Pisces, the symbol of the Pisces is quite understand the nature of the mysterious and secret, compassionate god of compassion for human, so you will be a lot of affection to give care to spread to others, and also gives the sea Pisces has a broad space for imagination.If from the fish Pisces, is the fish will become the target of a human capture, symbolizing the Pisces easily bullied and deception, relatively weak, so had to adopt measures to escape and retreat.Pisces is not good, therefore, would tend to indulge in drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, good word is inclined to religious faith, or a charity behavior.Sometimes the Pisces disguised as a stand with the enemy on the same front, in a way that is "watermelon lean on big side" seek survival, is a environmental adaptability.

Pisces people on both sides of the fish swimming, has three meanings: one is the beginning of the end of life and life, because the last of the palace, the signs of the zodiac, Pisces is after all the eleven constellation world vicissitudes of life, you have already see through life and otherwise, however, is also a symbol of a new life is about to begin.2 it is to blend in and detached, because Pisces often into people in service or imagination, although a little forgot his own existence, but it can from getting along with people being out again, that although do, but don't go with the flow, and to deeply understand the meaning of life;Three is secular and secular, because Pisces have to secular level of care, will go from doing charity work or services to the public, but it may also fall in the abyss of secular, in a way that is anesthesia through life, however, another kind of Pisces, in secular approach to performance, the poetic art may be used to intoxicated with their own heart, may also is a meditation meditation and quiet way, to achieve a kind of buddhist says "complete" and "yue", is totally do not fall convention.

Pisces the symbols of the two fishes, and there they will be a ribbon ties together;From the myth of Pisces can escape traits associated with Pisces.The two fish of Pisces is swim in both directions, respectively, in addition to show the Pisces duality, also the symbol of Pisces conflicts and complex.

Pisces symbolic significance

Is: good understanding, giving, kind, emotional, clever, tolerant, romantic, likes art, imagination and fantasy.

Negative: delay, vague and ambiguous, messy, confused, escape, unrealistic, weak-willed, sacrifice, addictive, unreal.

Body: feet, lymph, tissue fluid, the pineal gland.

Disease: foot disease, alcoholism, sleepwalking, spirit, lymphatic problems.

People: the fisherman, artists, the enemy of fallen man, secretly, monks, mediums, doctor.

: a hidden secret, seclusion, not Aaron, imprisoned, dream, dream.

: images, creation, anesthesia, fish, sea, alcohol.(The zodiac /astro/)

To: hospital, seaside, psychiatric hospitals, public welfare institutions.

Eskey speak the constellation of Pisces

The duke of zhou interprets of query