Eskey sign of libra

libraQuite lovely, chart in libra has a good temperament is "altruism", sometimes give people handle affairs is there a way to, give oneself do don't mind...Mouth and tide wait for no man, but actually very soft heart, occasionally to breaking point small temper, but still can't lose poise, finally had to compromise yourself, let bygones be bygones.Have to say, mind is injustice enlarged.

Eskey speak of constellation libra _ the zodiac

Libra title song is "thank you for your love, they always with some polite and agitated.Modest and shy, talk will neither hurt nor special intimacy, keep a friend's distance.Face a libra you need 120% of passion and confidence, because the libra is always like to say don't and refused, she observed the pursuing was rejected after reaction, the other is to quietly leave, or never flinched.Which can move libra must be the man to do his duty to the last.


Libra's overall image, as if is to balance the scales.So, libra is to pursue balanced feeling, not to destroy the balance, to the quality consistency, to look at everything.This sense of balance to libra a pair of elegant and gentleman and lady's appearance, manner gentle, humorous, but also bring the libra analysis of advantages and disadvantages, assessment of gain and loss of thinking ability, so the libra is first-rate strategist, MuLiao personnel.Balance also brings the indecision, however, is difficult to decide, and too much attention to others' positions and feelings and presents the image of the anti-hunting campaigners.

Libra also symbolizes the horizon of the sunset xishan, because libra just dominate the moment of sunset xishan.So, libra with sunset xishan optimal idle, lazy, and peace, because it's time to rest.At the same time, the beauty of the sunset scene represents the libra artistic skills, can play to the balance of the artistic aesthetic feeling, can also play the flexible wrist on the social, the libra often plays the role of the secondary cutting between friends, let the people on both sides of the argument to adjust each other's views and perspectives.

Libra the symbols of the scales, the Greek letter omega represents the measure, and the basis of the following - represents the measure.Can be seen libra in the myth of libra fair character.But the basic idea, it can be seen libra the pursuit of balance the scales at the same time, the balance of wavering libra's indecision.

Libra symbolic significance

Is: cooperation, coordination, peace loving, noble, justice, love art, good at communication, coordination, objective and balanced, elegant.

Negative: the undecided, arty, compromise, hesitant and indecisive, means, hypocritical and attached.

Body: kidney, adrenal gland, adrenal gland, the waist.

Disease: kidney disease, low back pain, diabetes, balance disorders.

People: coordinator, model (settlement) turning, diplomats, spouse, designers, partners.

: social, marriage, contracts, art appreciation, partnerships, public relations, and peace.

Content: art, fashion, cosmetics, libra, pigeons.(The zodiac /astro/)

To: arbitration, art galleries, auditorium, communication.

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