Eskey speak constellation virgo

virgoIs the sign of the internal injuries, they are not good at expressing his love.Again bitterness still want to pretend to be happy in my heart, heart don't say still quietly quietly waiting for you.Heart hidden too deep will always be the default into alienation of a group of people, look very calm even brokenhearted, no one found.Love this problem, can be the two of a kind of 1 + 1, can also be a 1 x 1 of 2 for one, but always get 1 x 0 virgo lonely ending

Eskey speak constellation virgo _ of the zodiac

Virgo love theme song is "love".Virgo who like fine character traits, to give who wear points of advice...After this man logical hard to avoid can make this kind of problem.If you want to chase after he must come up with your good strength, and enough modesty, virgo likes others to accept his advice, he felt like that especially effective, particularly with a sense of accomplishment.


Virgo's overall image, is like the traditional Chinese marriage under the system of family.So, a virgo girl feelings of mental consciousness, shy and looking forward to your future husband is a handsome man, cellini prince charming is the most critical to the love of the zodiac, but also the most pure feeling of the zodiac.At the same time, the door out, the second step, not to have big attempt in the future, as long as in the existing circumstances, it is ok to get a stable, you know Ann keepeth his.And once the heart has belong, is "for his family, I was born to death for his ghost", there will be a willing complex, so the virgo is a very good executive secretaries and support units, it can work hard to hard work.

Virgo is the heart of the people, because of virgo is lack of self-confidence, and virgo will only put eyes on the next step should be how to do it, it won't think too far.Moreover, virgo is need to take orders at any time (whether or not the command is from the boss, or from the oneself can't the past cannot bear), otherwise the work once done, will have a sense of loss, may go back to work already completed.In addition, virgo cower, timidity, calm and lonely, can lead to silently live alone in the crowd, many people seem to forget it's there.

Virgo is the symbol of female genitalia, may not be easy to see, but if you look at the right half, can be found.Virgo myth, we can see the harvest.The virginity associated with virgo characteristics, can also be found, such as the careful, cautious, quiet and shy, on the other hand also represents the bright and sharp.

Virgo's symbolic significance

Is: industrious, order, and analytical methodology, authentic, accurate, the pursuit of perfect, clean, clean.

Negative: good criticism, petty, fussy, cleanliness, fussy, nagging, skepticism, neurotic, alarmist, nervous, make a mountain out of a molehill.

Body: the stomach, large intestine, colon, duodenum.

Disease: indigestion, constipation, colon intestinal problems, not the whole, and neuroticism.

People: nurse, laborers, critics, a virgin, secretary, waiters, deployment.

: work, health, health, nutrition, and professional skills.

Content: health food, pet, cleaning supplies, composition, microscope.(The zodiac /astro/)

To: health, workplace, service, clean place.

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