Eskey speak of constellation cancer

Too loud or too affected person it's hard to get the cancer woman a sense of security.If you want to chase after her, can be the main tender feeling, the success rate will be doubled.If you can also sing a poem to from time to time, it basically is done.Second, her small circle, strive for the sympathy from her friend.Their gift is "exquisite and caring about" scarf, gloves, brooches, etc., seemingly small but can show you to her interesting observations and meticulous care.

Eskey about cancer _ the zodiac sign

Every love in the wrong time, cancer man thinking will always be the love.Just decided to leave, but fantasy with true love can be heavy to, or give each other a chance, actually just because he can not let go, or don't want to put down, let yourself fall again.When a shy cancer men decided to wait for you, please cherish, do you want to know is this ceremony, given that is broken and split after complete the decision.In the world of love that any logic is like a paper in the basket, by myself.Whether you're an idiot or genius, to the person I love, would also be reckless sacrifice themselves.Just likecancerHard shell, the hiding sensitive and soft soul, his crazy love is the only thing that break the shell.


The whole image of the crab, useA crabTo describe a perfectly appropriate.Crabs are crustaceans, has a hard shell, also has the tender meat, this represents a cancer with warm heart, also has a strong appearance, appearance of the strong to defend and protect the inner fragile.Furthermore, crab is amphibians, can live in the water or on land, represents the cancer has a strong adaptability to environment.At the same time, when the crab activity between land and water, can take a cautious attitude, once feel crisis, will shrink back, so cancer in the face of a stranger, will take some defense consciousness.And, when the attack on the crab, resistance with the tongs to do looks, unless the enemy forced it to no retreat, it is anti side side looks back, the symbol of the cancer process of defense the enemy.

Cancer also represents the origin of life, it make upbabyThe initial growth environment.So, cancer is maternal characteristics, the main function is to provide a suitable for survival and growth of the environment, have to take care of, protect and nurture qualities, thus related to daily necessities, especially to eat.Cancer is to eat the stomach feeling, is full of meaning, andTaurusIs your throat feeling, have to eat out of taste, so cancer Taurus heavy weight.The origin of life, moreover, cancer represent sparked to life source of attention, so most of the signs of the zodiac, cancer is homesickness color signs of the zodiac, for home, own and traditional things produce feelings, historical memories often appear in my mind.A bit due to cancer, plus special safety consciousness, forming the unique accumulation phenomenon.Piled up on the one hand is afraid of not enough, on the other hand may be because has memories, cannot bear to throw away, so would be interested in antiques, ancient books and antiquities.

Cancer symbol chest, that is, illustrates the related to breast cancer;Cancer from the myth can imagine, there is a feeling of home, but also related to jealousy.Another theory is that this sign symbol symbolizes the carapace of the cancer, also can see cancer to the ego to protect quality, and the habit of hiding.

This symbolism

Are: sensitive, maternal, home life, patriotic, empathy, emotional, memory strong, a bit, considerate, introspective, protection.

Negative: emotional, sentimental, defensive, vulnerable, negative, excessive caution and selfish, self-pity, exclusive, and blue.

Body: the chest, breast, stomach, uterus, ovaries.

Disease: gastric ulcer, indigestion, stomach, chest problems, depression.

Man: his mother, nurse, queen, chef, caregivers, and emotional person.

: history, family, care, mood, memory, cooking and family.

Content: the land, house, cooking utensils, home supplies, antiques, and crustaceans.(The zodiac /astro/)

To: home, kitchen, dining room, the water's edge, the antique shop.

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