From another perspective cancer boys and girls


Features: the mature romantic, loving family

cancerA woman: controlled by perceptual and mysterious moon cancer women, you have a great mother.And loyalty will be linked with the people you love.This is not your love request returns, but too dense but love is let the one you love feel tied down.Want to control the emotion is your shortcomings, realize that love could also be a burden, the real love is to give him free.

From another perspective _ the zodiac cancer men and women

(The zodiac /astro/)

Cancer man: the man put his sensitive and sometimes shy heart hidden under the protective, proud of shell, but the man who is gentle lover: warm, caring and kind.If you love him, then, that he is loyal to friendship and love to report to you, and of the best would-be husbands for betrayal is not his motto.

From another perspective cancer boys and girls

The duke of zhou interprets of query