From another perspective Scorpio girls and boys


Features:Sensitive and enthusiastic

ScorpioA woman

You are sexy woman by nature.Thus, full of passion and dramatic love life is what you are after.Loyalty is also important for you, however, is his loyalty.Because you don't easy to believe a man, so you will give him a lot of hardships and tests.His betrayal will give you a heart is like iron, revenge is not a problem for you.But, sometimes, it is your own loyalty has a problem.Evil Scorpio woman, think about how terrible.

From another perspective Scorpio male and female students _ the zodiac

Scorpio man (The zodiac /astro/)

Scorpio man is famous for sexy, but he is more known for a fatal blow.Although he often behaved with silence, self-control, but once he entered the role, will also is a enthusiasm and loyalty.Betrayal is intolerable, he is a man orsay German type, suspicious and suspicion.As for himself, maybe he is very loyal, maybe not, because he has too many secrets, you never know.

From another perspective Scorpio girls and boys

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