From another perspective Taurus boys and girls


Features: the gentle, sensibility, practical and constructive

TaurusA woman: from perceptual Venus control the Taurus woman, physical intimacy is the necessary condition to loyalty.Together, have a close relationship is what you need: once set up a good relationship, the Taurus woman won't let go.Possession and loyalty are closely linked.Because you don't want to change and very practical, so once you feel you are not love, maybe you will ask money compensation.

From another perspective Taurus boys and girls _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Taurus men: Taurus man is a very good lover, because they are warm and enthusiastic.You can cheat him, spiritually emotionally to leave him, but physically fool him but absolutely can't accept it.In his heart, and you, as his property is inviolable.For himself, once your relationship settle down, he is rock solid, is a loyal lover.

From another perspective Taurus boys and girls

The duke of zhou interprets of query