Pisces boys and Gemini girls happy

PiscesThe boys andGeminiThe girl happy chance

Pisces boys and Gemini girls happy odds: 100%

Have a natural insulator is born to match absolutely, such as a Pisces, this seemingly childish boy don't know anything, and Gemini girl is surprisingly fit together, because all Pisces is a constellation in the abdomen black signs of the zodiac, so can be blinded by Gemini.

Gemini is the kind, others say the cruel truth, they can't accept it, but others say sweet lies, they can accept according to the order of the people, so the Gemini girls eat Pisces to this one.

Because the Pisces can be said of a face is not the hearts of falsehood, others listen to nature is aware, but Gemini girls are not to come out, feel the Pisces is the only one who knows his own.(The zodiac /astro/)

Pisces boys and Gemini girls happy chance _ the zodiac

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