Virgo man and Gemini girls happy

virgoThe boys andGeminiThe girl happy chance

Virgo man and Gemini girls happy odds: 10%

Virgo man one of the most common thing to do, is to the Gemini girl frown, Gemini girls work style is too bold, this is a Gemini girl style, but conservative virgo man not acceptable.

Virgo man like just a little stupid girl, can not very clever but must ideological purity, but Gemini girls thought not pure also just, even don't want to hide, unknown is still a little selfish.

Because of above reasons, the Gemini girls sometimes although also appreciate the virgo man, but virgo man even agreed to Gemini girls demanding, many abandon, this is obviously not suitable for two people together, not happy.(The zodiac /astro/)

Virgo man and Gemini girls happy chance _ the zodiac

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