Leo boys and Gemini girls happy

LeoThe boys andGeminiThe girl happy chance

The constellation Gemini girls and boys happy odds: 0%

Yes, that is the combination of a death sentence, two people together may have loved, but destined to be happy, Gemini girl seems woman.she, vulnerable, but heart Leo is very thick heart, you don't take care of Gemini woman mood.

It happened that Gemini girls mood to come and play on, they decided that the lovers should indulge themselves, but Leo boy is always lack of patience to this play to depend on, last resort, it was there, and then anger Gemini princess character.

A man who is born king, and a tenderA womanForever, but you're never tolerate a wayward girl for a lifetime, so with his stick to Gemini girl, really doesn't fit with the lion of individualism.(The zodiac /astro/)

The constellation Gemini girls and boys happy chance _ the zodiac

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