Libra Gemini girls and boys happy chance

libraThe boys andGeminiThe girl happy chance

Libra Gemini girls and boys happy odds: 80%

Around the world, and the tolerance index is the strongest boy libra boy, so two people happiness index is high, not because of how suitable for two people's character, but boys are notoriously constellation libra actor joker classic.

On the issue of love, Gemini girls bold and there are a lot of little romantic feelings, for these, libra boy can accept, as long as you don't touch the bottom line of the other party, libra male are acceptable, and Gemini girls are willing to cooperate with the bottom line.

So two people together of the time, an alarm, a pet, it can also be peaceful coexistence, but also have individual narrow-minded libra, so it is not suitable for two people, so the deduction of surprises with the remaining 80%.(The zodiac /astro/)

Libra Gemini girls and boys happy chance _ the zodiac

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