Capricorn boys and Gemini girls happy

Capricorn men andGeminiThe girl happy chance

Capricorn boys and Gemini girls happy odds: 10%

Gemini girls dream of prince charming is Capricorn such boy, has the sense of responsibility, responsible, and also special is rigorous, do things absolutely will not let others find fault, but actually get along with, the actually situation is another matter entirely.

Gemini girls in the excesses of the Capricorn boy's bad habits, cultured is Capricorn rules, and it seems the Gemini rules simply nothing, even used to bound to others without any useless things.

The main differences is the outlook on life brings sense of distance between two people, let two people after a period of passionate love, quickly into the trough, even there is a bitter emotional conflict, is not love, is it not suitable for together.(The zodiac /astro/)

Capricorn boys and Gemini girls happy chance _ the zodiac

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