Sagittarius boys and Gemini girls happy

SagittariusThe boys andGeminiThe girl happy chance

Sagittarius boys and Gemini girls happy odds: 90%

Gemini girl probably never thought about not a staying power and Sagittarius people together, in your heart prince charming has always been a serious steadfast capable men, but Gemini and Sagittarius exactly the opposite of the original requirements.

But as we all know a lot of the time is not really what we need, like Gemini girls actually many times also don't know what they really need, tend to be the real contact just know too serious person is not suitable for their own.

Sagittarius vigorous appearance, very able to win a Gemini girl's heart, all kinds of surprises in life emerge in endlessly, will let the Gemini girls become the most happy people.(The zodiac /astro/)

Sagittarius boys and Gemini girls happy chance _ the zodiac

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