Aquarius intrinsic psychological performance

Aquarius:Inner psychological performance

There is only two things can't look straight into, one is the sun, the second is the heart.Everyone of change, it is hard to guess, that the statement is not a mental illness, but psychological bias effect.Constellation is also a astrologers in the eyes of the world, to peep the hide in the depths of the human nature of the underlying, the curtain went up, will touch our heart the softest place.Hurry and see it.

Aquarius: inner psychological performance _ the zodiac

Aquarius - the intellectualization

Intellectualization, with some from emotional seems less intense, to think about sex instinct desire, and don't pay to the practical action.Concept in consciousness, and affection has been lost.Intellectualization consists of the following mechanisms: space (isolation), rationalization (rationaliza - tino), ritual (ritual), offset (undoing) magic resistance (magicalthinking).Although there are some difference between each other between these mechanisms, but they tend to appear in packs.Intellectualization included in order to avoid and affectionate feelings, and to not give too much attention, or to spare to express inner feelings, and pay attention to the reality, or in order to avoid the perception as a whole, but not pay attention to details.

Bottles tend to have a "public all drunk I wake up alone, loneliness, they often don't want to and remain much close, even more sociable and group management.Bottle way forward is clear, but not as a way to deal with interpersonal relationships and living things.They used to according to the "science" and other facts on the basis of the fact that data or information, or have a lot of philosophical ideas and thinking, or even religious ideas to face the secular life.In short, is to find a convincing yourself, have the facts or philosophy, to let oneself can accept face external stimuli.This is to help maintain a way out.Aquarius is easy to say "no", because they really don't care, they don't want to dominate others, also don't want to be typecast.But many things inevitable in life: dominations relation, such as the possessiveness nature of love itself, when they face this kind of situation, Aquarius will let a person can not find the north with cold treatment.

Aquarius intellectualization will produce the inspiration of innovation, and focus on self belief and thinking.The uniqueness of Aquarius, alienation and volatility, in fact, an organic whole.For example they can participate in many group activities, but rather adhere to their own freedom and independence.So they may not be able to completely embody in participating in the organization.So we can only say that Aquarius fills the enthusiasm to participate in group activities, but not necessarily with members of the group established a close relationship.So-called Aquarius love group activities, their bones of psychological motivation is to want others to change their ideas, to accord with the idea of Aquarius.Also hope that through the altruistic behavior of Aquarius, to change the current status of the others to agree with the practice and conception in Aquarius.(The zodiac /astro/)

Therefore, regardless of Aquarius is directly to resort to instill new ideas, or indirectly through the justice and altruism, the goal is an attempt to change the present ideas of others.

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