Leo inner psychological performance

LeoInner psychological performance

There is only two things can't look straight into, one is the sun, the second is the heart.Everyone of change, it is hard to guess, that the statement is not a mental illness, but psychological bias effect.Constellation is also a astrologers in the eyes of the world, to peep the hide in the depths of the human nature of the underlying, the curtain went up, will touch our heart the softest place.Hurry and see it.

Leo inner psychological performance _ the zodiac

Leo - self

Self, also called self awareness or self concept, is the individual's perception of their existence state.We are belonging to social groups is a mirror we observe their own.Individual's self concept depends largely on the individual think others is how to "see" their own.A large proportion of people tend to live in other people's evaluation, there is no self, self concept is only a blur.Sometimes hard for others to live.

Leo self role is to emphasize the value of self.The others for their own evaluation, will bring a strong sense of self-respect, self-confidence or conceit, arrogance.Lion "ego" with "territorial area" : "" you can't cross my bottom line," do not touch my territory ", "so I will be generous to you, at the same time give me applause".

After once emphasize self-esteem, the lion feel hurt, tend to the roaring aggression, or hate to face each other.Physical self can produce individuals with strong identity of its own, feeling the existence of the strong.Their presence and others with a clear distinction between "you and I, my existence is very important", it is a state of mind.So on the relationship between processing, the subtext of Leo is "you should be a special emphasis on my self".It may reflect in the form of commitment, view of things together, and so on, the mindset of the Leo will be for this reason two ways to face the others.(The zodiac /astro/)

The first: what is our daily said tolerance, magnanimous, generous, or don't care about.The second: with dignity, momentum to overcome each other due to the development of self-concept.Individual gradually from dependence on others, show the characteristics of the active and independent.This also causes the initiative or independent consciousness is too strong, lead to the lion in the face of important events, will do not believe that the practice of others, their own equipment.

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