Virgo inner psychological performance

virgoInner psychological performance

There is only two things can't look straight into, one is the sun, the second is the heart.Everyone of change, it is hard to guess, that the statement is not a mental illness, but psychological bias effect.Constellation is also a astrologers in the eyes of the world, to peep the hide in the depths of the human nature of the underlying, the curtain went up, will touch our heart the softest place.Hurry and see it.

Virgo inner psychological performance _ the zodiac

Virgo - antagonism

Many people will often mentioned, virgo picky, cleanliness, the pursue is perfect, the root of the external performance characteristics is that in their own some phenomena of body and mind, as bad or unpleasant things to himself, trying to reject or negative attitude.

For example, a virgin is also very understand the world is not perfect, but a virgin is internal was perfect, virgin knew that they were not perfect, but the inner want to be perfect.Thus on the one hand, know that is not perfect, but on the other hand do not perfect, virgin always wants to make imperfect perfect.This is a kind of ambivalence.To counter this contradiction, is a virgin, kept forcing yourself, to accept or to external changes.It becomes everybody's eyes can see, critical and pursuit of perfection.

From the psychological potential, we actually can learn why a virgin as an earth sign, yet have their own "dream".The "dream" like we just mentioned the "perfect".From virgin performance of external, pragmatic, hard work, work is careful, the evidence will pay attention to everything.But the "dream" may be in violation of the characteristics of the soil as.When some kind of idea, the intention

Or repeated to make certain actions, views, it is against the will of his time, virgo will fight to the death, but the resistance to its power is stronger, causing anxiety and pain of virgins.(The zodiac /astro/)

A virgin because you know, in fact, the world is not perfect, but believe that the world is not perfect, a virgin is not very much is not perfect, but local details is not perfect.This is associated with a virgin on the front of them, so they think that as long as change small category is not perfect, it can be.So they will be repeated and persistent thinking has no real meaning for many people.Although a virgin know that this is a problem, trying to get rid of, but can't get away from.

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