Gemini intrinsic psychological performance

GeminiInner psychological performance

There is only two things can't look straight into, one is the sun, the second is the heart.Everyone of change, it is hard to guess, that the statement is not a mental illness, but psychological bias effect.Constellation is also a astrologers in the eyes of the world, to peep the hide in the depths of the human nature of the underlying, the curtain went up, will touch our heart the softest place.Hurry and see it.

Gemini inner psychological performance _ the zodiac

Gemini - cognitive structure tendency

We think learning psychology, the psychological structure of the process of learning, namely, intelligence factors and non-intelligence factors composed of two parts.

Intelligence is the psychological basis of learning process, have direct effect on learning.Non-intelligence factor is the psychological condition of the learning process, indirect role in learning.Intelligence is usually: memory, observation, thinking, attention, imagination, etc., the sum of the understanding ability, is shown in the understanding of things people's psychological features, cognitive activities is the operating system.Non-intelligence factors in wisdom, not directly involved in the cognitive process of psychological factors, including the needs, interests, motivation, emotion, will, personality, etc.

Gemini life state, is always accompanied by a large number of short-term thinking function and the trend of curiosity for a long time, and whether knowledge or communication, Gemini gives the impression of always is gush or knowledge of Pepsi.And this is due to the joint outcome of twin emotional and cognitive system.Gemini is to know "light and shadow" of the two sides.From the "shadow" of emotion, Gemini meet let oneself not happy in the external things, is often take skirt around in his practice, refused to face or denied by attitude, so as to protect his heart.

This psychological self protection and self rationalization tendency, but are generally not deny, that has nothing to do with themselves.And on what you have to care about dodge, don't admit their own care.For this is not a matter of feeling, can let the twin sense of duality (twins) by selective challenge.So the twin use doesn't care about the behavior to hide their own care.Refused to discuss the unpleasant subject, refused to face many real problem.This is to belong to Gemini of non-intelligence factors on one side of the "light".Gemini are curious, understanding and learning, is "a little" over.When Gemini stay down and come into contact with new things, it will quickly to accept different kinds of information, and then to its own mode of thinking for understanding, and finally get the conclusion of "" I already know.(The zodiac /astro/)

Whether or not you know message is true, at least it has the ability to justify, or imaging is true.In fact from the side, "shadow" Gemini also declined to a deeper internal knowledge.The Gemini fixed to one of things hard to be very deep or study.It will always be around, to search around to learn.As a result of the reason is, in the case of Gemini, knowledge is also a kind of self protection tools.On the one hand, the twin through the way of knowledge communication, initiative contact with people, meet the needs of their own.Knowledge does not need too much on the other hand, based on the interest and protection on the basis of the emotional, very understand how to use them, but when it encountered adverse environment, it would be smarter to avoid them.

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