Sagittarius inner psychological performance

SagittariusInner psychological performance

There is only two things can't look straight into, one is the sun, the second is the heart.Everyone of change, it is hard to guess, that the statement is not a mental illness, but psychological bias effect.Constellation is also a astrologers in the eyes of the world, to peep the hide in the depths of the human nature of the underlying, the curtain went up, will touch our heart the softest place.Hurry and see it.

Sagittarius inner psychological performance _ the zodiac

Sagittarius - the reverse effect

When the individual desires and motives, to your own consciousness or environment, lest make the oppression to the unconscious

And then in the opposite behavior called reverse out overt behavior.Using reverse, the performance of the external behavior and its intrinsic motivation is inversely proportional.In nature, the reverse behavior is also a kind of depressive process: "no silver three hundred and twenty" here "take back"

Is the performance of the reverse.Usually use "reverse", itself in using this mechanism in the dark, rather than a "false", "xiaolicangdao" for deliberately.

Thus, we know Sagittarius is the most serious problem: the lies in the objective, on the surface of the inner of escape.We talked about the striker will always mention his blind optimism, bright, self-confidence, from the external performance of striker, that's true.They were influenced by the environment, the impact of the self.Desperate to sprint, right in front of the most common external performance is travel and play.But if the impact play on the spiritual level, produce a suddenly aware and understanding, to breakthrough the limitation the ideas of the original, but the striker would not stay on the origin, the goal is to one by one, so they always have the characteristics of floating, wandering.

In Sagittarius behind the superficial self-confidence, optimism and natural and unrestrained, also hidden the helpless to escape.As if the shooter is don't care about everything, we see if we understand the striker is often happy, as if we know that the striker is the "heart".But it is really face life striker, inner strength is very low, so they have to frequent "naivety" "false positive".In the back of a striker who, they also hope to meet a understand them, and tears.But they always make people happy and thick line displays in their illusion.Some may feel somewhat, but prefer to let oneself say "all clear".Some striker will wonder why have so many bad people around you?Some striker also wonder why many people put more and more complex things?

In fact, the striker like the others, found it difficult event does not reduce, the biggest difference is that different perspective.Everything in the world is between "good" and "bad" dynamic change.Striker accustomed to ignore the question (The zodiac /astro/)

Or hidden in your heart, but this way if brought striker on the surface of all happy, but at the same time let the striker could not see the essence of the problem.First they choose to make yourself comfortable feeling, for avoiding pain.She kept down in one place, perhaps each of us has the treatment of pain, trouble, trouble, but really can conveniently solve all problems?From another point of bitterness brings constraints and striker is not willing to accept the constraints, so they'd rather rules, but is often the first to break the rules themselves.

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