Myth: constellation Aquarius

The constellation mythology:Aquarius:

In the south of the middle of October evening sky, you can see this sign, shaped like a teenager in the water bottle on his shoulder, and the water poured out of shape.The youth is the prince of Troy Sir Henry gurney medel.

Words, the daughter of Zeus and days after Hera wehbe goddess, is a young and beautiful girl, she is also represents the goddess of youth.Wehbe main church was as wine maid god of gods, so, whenever a big banquet olin pass days, she will shuttle between gods and wine.

When brother ares to play wehbe to prepare horses;When mother Hera bathes, responsible for from the side to take care of her, she is a standard for the handmaiden of god.Sometimes even Zeus and Hera make family dispute, also are wehbe intercede.Wehbe is very popular among the gods, but it must not be careless about work.Once she pouring wine, slightly rude attitude, is to get rid of the work by the gods.

Myth: constellation Aquarius _ the zodiac

Later big hero feat hagrid, complete earth return olin pass, to marry the wehbe, whereas wehbe use divine power to Glenn rejuvenation.

Later Zeus took a fancy to the king of Troy, Ross, the son of Sir Henry gurney medel, want him to replace wehbe clerical, wine at the party for the gods, and serve beside Zeus.(The zodiac /astro/)

The general issued a shiny golden luster, and rated as the world's most beautiful young by the gods is not willing to accept the ministry, while Zeus turned into eagle deported him to come, but the young then I ran away.Zeus under fire, Sir Henry gurney medel into a constellation in the sky, which is negative to the wine bottle, Aquarius, let him a bottle of wine as the gods of the fountain of wisdom.

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