Myth: constellation Taurus

The constellation mythology:Taurus

In late January evening can see constellation in the southern sky.

Phoenician in the Mediterranean, which is now the place of a king in Lebanon, have a beautiful daughter named ou ba.When Zeus why heaven round the world, you've found her, and to get her, but due to his wife Hera block cannot achieve.

Once in the absence of Zeus by the Hera, secretly sneaked into the room, see if have a chance with the ba a drive.Just is, when the ba and the ladies-in-waiting at the seaside.But Zeus turned into a white bull, appear on the beach.

Myth: constellation Taurus _ the zodiac

When ou ba saw this by Zeus turned into white bull, stepped forward to touch them.The bull in addition to let ou ba touch, more induced her on his back.Wait for the ba a climb on his back, after this by Zeus turned into white bull was carrying her toThe sea, then flew into the air.(The zodiac /astro/)

Later, Zeus will ba in Crete, and Zeus had three sons.While the ba land ─ the original arrived in Europe, is named by her name.And that by Zeus turned into white bull form, by Zeus in the sky, become a Taurus.

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