Myth: constellation scorpius

The constellation mythology:Scorpio

At the end of summer to the fall of the southern Scorpio can clearly see the sky.

The leading role of the myth of Scorpio and Orion, Orion.He is the son of Poseidon, is a handsome giant, is also a good hunter, he fell in love with strange Russian king well, it's daughter beauty.The king in order not to let what you don't like Orion to marry his daughter, gave one test olian;Is an island of wild animals are hunted.

But Orion in itself is a hunter, he soon went hunting all the wild animals on the island, and is dedicated to all the person I love.But strange Russian king well, but it has not agreed to their marriage.Once olian violated U.S. pearl when intoxicated, so strange Russian king well, it was the wine god Dai Anni Seth appeal, to punish the recklessness of youth.

Myth: constellation scorpius _ the zodiac

So wine god make olian lethargy, strange Russian king well, it will blind the eyes of the Orion, and cast eyes on the beach.The blind eye hero and groping in the dark to the iron Watkins god's house, Watkins is in sympathy with his sufferings, and help him to restore sight to the east to find the sun god Apollo.

Later Orion became luna art, Diana's hunter.Once olian exaggerated words angered the Apollo, so the god Apollo, designed the special, while the Orion in seawaterswimmingShoot him., fungal later found out that she mistakenly killed her favorite hunter Orion and felt very sad, so to Orion will put him in the sky as Orion.

But real part is related to the Scorpio olian because once said: "this world no one can prey escaped my hunting."This sentence and angered Hera, and then she sent a giant scorpion lurking in Orion in the current path and attack him.Olian scorpion sting of fell down, after but just to give when the scorpion.(The zodiac /astro/)

And then she will be the only power of scorpions to place in the sky, become a Scorpio.When Scorpio appeared from the east, Orion is fading from the west, and never meet each other.

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