Myth: constellation Aries

Constellation mythology,Aries

The evening of December the southern sky can see signs of the zodiac, pattern is like running forward and shoulder, sheep.

Foley Knox and hayley is di Sally the kingdom of the king of the amalekites and the queen Philippines son and daughter.Later, the king of the amalekites she hated his wife, except for snubbing her, the other is married to a princess ─ according to her, as a concubine.Then the queen fe column was for her eldest son worry;She thinks she is likely to try to kill him.

Indeed as expected, her stepmother she came up with a scheme, to kill Foley Banks.Her one thousand party hundreds of people will sow seeds collected, and then will scorch in people before sowing seeds, the seeds after sowing, unable to germinate and grow, so that there is no harvest, and the king of the amalekites starr sent request to the oracle.

She buy off the king sent to the people, he said to the king;Foley oracle instruction: to be the king's son, as offering sacrifice, otherwise the disaster will happen.

People know they asked the king gave his son, stem from the king but also had to be so.

Myth: constellation Aries _ the zodiac

Foley's mother know after the plot to olin pass the gods of the han mies borrowed a golden retriever and wings of ram, to save her children from danger.

In worship at the time, the golden ram then fell from the sky, the brother and sister rescued.Due to the speed of this sheep ran too fast, so that her because blindfold and fall into the hayley torrential channel, which is nowadays the dardanelles, RAMS are still run as soon as possible, but still looked back from time to time to mourn her.(The zodiac /astro/)

Foley, later arrived safely at the black sea Calder, and Calder, man is a terrible nation, but in Foley, is very kind to the local king of eritrea, will marry his daughter to Beverly hills.And lively, but the only golden ram dedicated to Zeus, Zeus is placing the RAMS become Aries in heaven.

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