How to Aquarius bosses to ask

How toAquarius:Your boss for a raise

Aquarius is the concept of money:

Show the total pay is not the most important, so also hope that the people around so agree;It will also have the best excuse, hope don't talk about money;Really is that so?Can not!

Aquarius bosses mentality to subordinates:

Hope is a no trouble subordinates;Also is very smart, want to know how to do the subordinate, the mainest is lulu is obviously not to Aquarius bosses.Work for a water bottle boss, therefore, is not easy.

How to ask _ the zodiac Aquarius the boss

Before asking for a raise for the Aquarius bosses do?

How should be said that such a smart Aquarius bosses don't know what you're thinking, there must be a way of static braking.So is the idea, in the face of Aquarius bosses must just hold your horses, time is long, to plan.(The zodiac /astro/)

How to the boss for a raise, Aquarius

This is a battle of wits method, on the one hand, to let the boss know your ability, and must be having substance in speech;To take a soft attitude on the other hand, this can have the effect.Or will only make the bottle boss very wary, and you will fail, the boss is too smart.

How to Aquarius bosses to ask relevant content

The duke of zhou interprets of query