How to Gemini boss for a raise

How toGeminiYour boss for a raise

Gemini is the concept of money:

Often hear Gemini always think not stingy, don't care about.But, this is to oneself, when required by subordinates, or there is no relationship, it's a bit stingy but you will see a Gemini.

Gemini boss attitude of the staff:

Neither too close with the boss can't understand the requirements of the boss.This is Gemini boss, and often is a sign of a dual personality, it is easy to let subordinates is the boss can't catch.

How to Gemini boss ask _ the zodiac

Before asking for a raise for the Gemini bosses do?

Gemini boss is a pretty attaches great importance to the feeling of people, in addition to a spiritual tacit understanding, also must have some performance on the job, or may be can't was so smooth may require.(The zodiac /astro/)

How to Gemini boss for a raise:

But to the mouth and brain and use!Is the eloquence good, the head also is good, but otherwise no way to persuade the clever boss, plus it also you want to have to pay, but also required the boss nodded just useful!Otherwise is irrelevant.

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