Venus with Taurus: love accompany you walk slowly, slowly conversations

Venus and loveTaurus: accompany with you walk slowly, slowly to know the result

If you fall in love with gold Taurus: his beautiful luxury gift, give him a comfortable and easy and comfortable life.

Venus is most suitable for signs of the zodiac: gold, gold Capricorn, Jin Tianping of Taurus.

Venus is not suitable for signs of the zodiac, Gemini, gold ram, gold water bottles.

You with the most beautiful, to gorge, drink wine in the world, enjoy spending a night.

Taurus: Venus and love accompany you walk slowly, slowly mean _ the zodiac

Know the gold bull

Taurus is original guardian planet Venus, so Venus in Taurus is Venus feels very comfortable position, Taurus sensory part of the incoming material and bearing the Venus.In relationships, golden bull seeking and easy to get the material comforts, also can flourish, flourishing his wife.Gold Taurus in appearance association, on the other hand, if not, is also a senior, at least since the beauty of things food can they win, the handsome boy beauty nature and their good minds.

Known as the "slow" Taurus, Venus in Taurus is bound to slow in the relationship.Passion burning, fall in love at first sight doesn't usually happen in gold Taurus.Even if beautiful stylish men pretty girl appear, golden bull won't really fall in love.Beauty is the key to open the golden bull the first door, behind is more close to, golden bull need time to contact, slowly, slowly slowly.Because if they surrendered himself, is not easy to recover.

"Persistent" Taurus is also famous for, on Venus is absolute high loyalty.Unlike some Venus bit mournful, golden bull is a real long title.Magnificent and victorious love, Kim Taurus, not long for a long time together, they are superior.They can pay their feelings, and long for each other and make unremitting efforts to create a good living environment.Taurus is probably the most don't understand give up halfway was signs of the zodiac, golden bull is money and love can't give up.

"Interest" is also the important characteristics of Taurus, golden bull oneself maintain absolute loyalty, same of the other half of high-standard.They not only require a partner and soul only belong to one of them, the other money to also want to do in their control.Soil as a bunch of real elements are capable of material, wealth and so on the importance and irreplaceability, mastered these, nature is everywhere.Even if one day be left, they can also live well.Of course from any perspective, gold Taurus is don't want such to happen.And lover together to see the sun rises moonset, wine bottles, is their ideal life.

To fall in love with golden bull you

If you want to close to the golden bull, avoid by all means is storm, too hot chase after hold in both hands, will only let them away.Gold Taurus this dish must simmer over low heat.Colorful inappropriately's gift is a good start, jewelry, perfume package absolutely golden bull eyes, if there are any rv villa that is behind other competitors a few blocks.But it really is just a start, golden bull is not easy, must be ready to fight, spending.Invite each other to advanced place repast is the pursuit of gold Taurus retention programs, the more costly the more delicious as close to success.

Don't think gold bull is greedy silly silly female, male the present package car beauty is important, in the name of the soil as value but also for the foreseeable future.If you just waste his black sheep, gold Taurus will not easily from you;In the same way, even if you today or poor boy, but ambitious and action plans, and hard for each other tomorrow they will continue to go hand in hand with you to create the future.The perseverance pursuit to the last man, certainly can win gold Taurus forever love.

Note 1: Venus energy itself is not very strong, so with other planets forming phase, especially the conjunction, can significantly affect the Venus sign original characteristics.For example, when Venus and Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto form close phase, must refer to Venus in Capricorn,Aquarius:PiscesScorpioCharacteristics.These qualities than Venus was the constellation of qualities, more influence to a person treat love attitude.(The zodiac /astro/)

Note 2: parsing of love is the most important two planets Venus and the moon, so the moon horoscope can also for your reference.

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