Venus and love Gemini: don't love so much, love only a little

Venus and loveGeminiLove: don't love so much, just a little

If you fall in love with golden Gemini: ready to give him three times to cheat, if you can not give, or let go of good early.

Gemini is most suited to Venus sign: gold, gold striker, gold water bottles.

Not suitable for Venus sign: gold Scorpio, cancer, gold lion.

Gemini: Venus and love do not love so much, love only a little _ the zodiac

Know golden Gemini

Gemini gold won't be too care about each other's appearance, they usually have a common interest with the people's favor.But their affection is not very thorough, "don't love so much, love only a little."Such rhetoric, probably comes from a golden Gemini theory, because they want to love too much.

As changes in the wind like constellation, fickle and fickle Gemini may be gold two charges.

They don't need deep intimacy, they like to easily in the face of love, just like in the face of a friend.Also because of the feeling of love is not very strong, so for them, there is no clear line between friends and loved ones.Even when friends and loved ones about them at the same time, you will almost certainly they will go out with friends, or take a love hanging out with friends.Don't expect the so-called priorities, make gold Gemini love, need to have a broad mind.Maybe gold Gemini itself is also not sure what you want to your partner, the idea has been in the change, will fall in love with different types of people, both men, women and children can be in one instant to their appetite.They may also have love you for a moment, a moment and feel do not love you, with the fall in love with you again.He is not sure about the themselves, and how can give you a promise forever?If Gemini gold sun moon in fixed or earth signs, from a certain extent, resisting the fickle heart, but not fundamentally change the characteristics of empathy easily.

Based on all above, Gemini gold is very easy to fall into many lovers, mostly due to their own state of mind was bright and, of course, also may not because they give them partner should attach importance to, and cause couples tie new sweetheart.Whatever the reason, Gemini gold is quickly out of the emotional haze, perhaps for them, there is no shade at all.

However, Gemini gold is still a very interesting man, in love, he can bring you infinite joy and laughter and all sorts of strange ideas and try, is the way they keep love.

To fall in love with golden Gemini you

Gemini partner do gold isn't easy.For the golden lion need high attention, Gemini gold will make you feel like you is just a "friend", jealousness borne with golden Gemini friends, can only let the relationship will be rapidly towards its end;To need a lot of nourishing the goldwater like emotions, Gemini gold give it a little bit of love, completely satisfy your thirst.

Even if you don't need to concern with absolute and nourish, day and night to give golden Gemini space and freedom, can become one with golden Gemini friends, but you need to tolerate and one last thing, it is golden Gemini always changing his mind.If you can tolerate his repeated cheating, but every time he after cheating, still will return to your arms, so this affection, true feelings for a long time can be.If you can't do "share", it is wise to stop sooner or later.

Note 1: Venus energy itself is not very strong, so with other planets forming phase, especially the conjunction, can significantly affect the Venus sign original characteristics.For example, when Venus and Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto form close phase, must refer to Venus in Capricorn,Aquarius:PiscesScorpioCharacteristics.These qualities than Venus was the constellation of qualities, more influence to a person treat love attitude.(The zodiac /astro/)

Note 2: parsing of love is the most important two planets Venus and the moon, the moon sign should be at the same time for your reference.

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