Venus and love cancer: the most romantic thing I can think of, is it

Venus and lovecancer: the most romantic thing I can think of, is grow old with you together

Cancer: if you fall in love with gold to his family's warmth, to accompany him to the supermarket, let him cook for you.

Venus is most suitable for signs of the zodiac: cancer, Pisces, gold virgin.

Venus is not suitable for signs of the zodiac, Gemini, gold bottle, gold striker.

I want to give you a warm home, with family as a unit for everything.Like to go shopping with you hand in hand, then I do a full table delicacies to eat you, see you satisfied expression, is my greatest happiness.

Venus and love cancer: the most romantic thing I can think of, is _ the zodiac

Know the gold cancer

Gold cancer is a slow type of lover, need over a period of time to brewing out of love.The degree to which they actually slow?Almost outrageous!A lot of gold to the pursuit of a slow cancer people burned out all their love, they are not hot, such as gold cancer woke up myself love each other, each other already pass away in despair, might have beenTo get marriedThe same children.Then turn gold cancer self-pity, day indulging in that would be to not to love.

Although gold cancer love comes slowly, once love brewing success, however, is not so easy to end, as long as the other constant, gold cancer's love is forever.They do not desire to vigorous emotional experience, they are together with lover, even do something ordinary but again, for they are sweet.

Since love is not so easy to change, the other one thousand, gold cancer is tragedy.Love is more old people in the world's top seed, cancer is gold.For them, the past is never in the past, they deeply loved the people, forever in their hearts, mobile phone, MSN, everywhere.They don't erase the old flame message or contact way, even if the present lover so request, they also promised and did, in their hearts will not really forget that deeply sentimentally attached to a old flame.When king cancer sang "old love songs" lovingly, please don't envy his old love, gold cancer is to live in memories of the love of man.

Gold cancer are not afraid of is feeling and trivial marriage, it is the most they desire.That they are a good man that occupy the home is goodA woman, no yisiyihao's exaggerated.The kitchen is the place where gold cancer is the most fun.Gold cancer usually has a talent for cooking, if not, they will be very hard to learn, in order to meet the lover's stomach, to satisfy his love.Gold cancer kitchen is complex, not only in love cooking, they would like to buy all kinds of dishes all sorts of pot, like cleaning the stove and so on.Everything related to the kitchen to others is very ordinary, but can provoke cancer craze of gold.Like their love, although plain, but fine water often flow, enough to enjoy life.

Cancer of you to fall in love with gold

Social animals, nightlife lovers, don't care for the family, the cancer is not gold.No matter how many fancy offensive, you can give it is difficult to move the heart of gold cancer, need persistent and focused on the warmth of his heart.

Although need long time of nourishing, but fortunately, gold cancer want actually very simple.Accompanied him to every where he want to go to, a quiet chat with him;With his trips to the supermarket, do a delicious food for him to eat;Do not need too expensive and the gift of your vanity, creative household products will get the favour of the cancer of gold.

If gold cancer for what you have done for a long time did not respond, don't too fast heart, to give him want to sense of security, slowly waiting for him to open up to you.Want to know your pay by heart, it must be worth it, you will be a with gold the loyalty of his life and enthusiasm to nourish you.

In addition, comparisons between himself and his old love to do, because lose must be you, or you will lose your cancer with gold this relationship.Let the king cancer put his memories buried deep in his heart.When you grow old along with gold cancer, sat rocking chair slowly chat and then his memory, only about your dribs and drabs of the way.

Note 1: Venus energy itself is not very strong, so with other planets forming phase, especially the conjunction, can significantly affect the Venus sign original characteristics.For example, when Venus and Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto form close phase, must refer to Venus in Capricorn,Aquarius:PiscesScorpioCharacteristics.These qualities than Venus was the constellation of qualities, more influence to a person treat love attitude.(The zodiac /astro/)

Note 2: parsing of love is the most important two planets Venus and the moon, so the moon horoscope can also for your reference.

Venus and loveAries: love is a strange thing, I began to uncontrolled body
Venus and loveTaurus: accompany with you walk slowly, slowly to know the result
Venus and loveGeminiLove: don't love so much, just a little
Venus and love cancer: the most romantic thing I can think of, is grow old with you together
Venus and loveLeoWith my heart turns into stars, fill your lonely night
Venus and lovevirgo: it is I think too much, you always say that.
Venus and lovelibra: is this really love?Is it really you?
Scorpio: Venus and love to laugh with tears, don't let life be deserted.
Venus and loveSagittarius: MoXiao me, were born to be a sentimental
Venus and Capricorn love: love is not a few drops of tears, a few love letter
And Aquarius love: Venus promises forever, remember every today
Venus and love you believe that we will be like a fairy tale story, happiness and joy is the end

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