Venus and love Aries: love is a strange thing, I began to all

Venus and loveAries: love is a strange thing, I began to uncontrolled body

If you fall in love with golden ram: tell him directly, how much you love him.

Venus is most suitable for signs of the zodiac: ram, golden lion, gold striker.

Venus is not suitable for signs of the zodiac: gold Taurus, cancer, gold Capricorn.

I love you, I give my heart to you.I love you, I want your heart is to me.

Venus and love Aries: love is a strange thing, I began to _ the zodiac

Know the golden ram

Imagine gently beautiful Venus the goddess of wen wan, encounter the impetuous ares ares, will understand why classical astrology says Venus in Aries is its fall in place.About love, however, falls in, and not into the temple Aries gives the innocence and courage Venus distinct masculine power.

Golden ram feelings always come soon, it was love at first sight is golden ram to often some experience.And they don't like to wait, they will usually choose active do quickly.They don't have to worry about failure, rub yong is golden ram probability of chivalry.They will continuous efforts, they have to leave everything to give their loved ones, and they are the most touched each other, is a pure heart of enthusiasm.

Golden ram actually offered before I love, the other party should have already know by heart.Because when the gold ram fall in love with a person, his body will show inner turmoil, focused on her eyes involuntarily, all body is close to her, the in the mind to read her.Yi, director of the golden ram is not hidden.How much love is????Big bright things, he wish the whole world know that he loves the people, and this is his.

Some Venus will back down, but there's no golden ram, they not despise retreat, the more competitive the love, the more they feel interesting."Do you have a boyfriend, about with me?"If you hear a suitor, nine times out of ten is golden ram.Conquest is golden ram in love the greatest pleasure, but fortunately, the ares passionate love often is the winning side.

Although their enthusiasm, always open their heart, yet keep long-term relationship for golden ram is a difficult problem.Constellation Aries is related to the self, so golden ram is fairly self love, not when he will give you all the best, including themselves, and conquered the prey, it is not so back to things in the future.They need each other followed his steps, and with his be fond of, if the newness cannot be kept, individual needs cannot be met, then the rapid combustion of the golden ram, will immediately put out at the rate of unsurpassable.Golden ram will not think more for love, also won't compromise for love, see the eyes to conquer, feelings without a separate.Golden ram even when let go, never lose my love.

You to fall in love with golden ram

Golden ram like direct, simple, enthusiasm, do even if you fail, golden ram will admire your courage.Beating around the bush, be swayed by considerations of gain and loss, please step aside, such behavior will only make the golden ram spit on you.

Keep the feelings of fresh and enthusiasm, the most important lesson is golden ram lovers.First, you want gold ram to live out his ego, he need you will appear at once, he don't need you to participate in the time you'd better not die badgering.Second, stimulating games to play, an adventure travel, any activity, able to increase our emotional stimulation can tie golden ram's body and mind.If also can occasionally let feel some golden ram some crisis, let his sense of competition and conquer desire was to stir up from time to time, so his love for you, will never cease.

Note 1: Venus energy itself is not very strong, so with other planets forming phase, especially the conjunction, can significantly affect the Venus sign original characteristics.For example, when Venus and Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto form close phase, must refer to Venus in Capricorn,Aquarius:PiscesScorpioCharacteristics.These qualities than Venus was the constellation of qualities, more influence to a person treat love attitude.(The zodiac /astro/)

Note 2: parsing of love is the most important two planets Venus and the moon, so the moon horoscope can also for your reference.

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