Scorpio: Venus and love to laugh with tears, don't let life

Venus and loveScorpio: willing to tears with a smile, don't let life deserted.

If you fall in love with Scorpio. Kim: if he does not love you, don't be vain;If he was you, I love you better darling give in easily.

Venus is most suitable for signs of the zodiac: gold Scorpio.

Venus is not suitable for signs of the zodiac, Gemini gold, gold striker, ram, Jin Tianping, gold bottle, golden lion, gold Capricorn, Taurus and gold virgin.

One day back to life, love and hate are more clear, at least we have the most perfect happiness.

Scorpio: Venus and love to laugh with tears, don't let life _ the zodiac


I hope you to read the following words as a story, they are not any frozen description, nor firmly definition, but a story after another, a cluster and a bunch of clips.It is called a "pain and pleasure" heart.

Early spring in March 2010 I handwritten twelve constellation Venus and love, there is not a special reason.There are a lot of articles about Venus, one of the masters series are celebrated as a classic, I write not too special, just as a study of the stars Venus person you like, willing to share my experience with people.I think that will soon finish, but I didn't think languished for ten months, as if the fullness, finally, it fell to the ground.

About writing order, I did not deliberately, but from the beginning I have sure gold Scorpio will in the end, because I like it in a traditional weak Venus.I don't know now read if you read before eleven article, careful whether you find every title I use a verse, from the songs I think conforms to the planet Venus.For gold Scorpio, I looked for a lot of candidates, the first to think of the dead will love letter, every word laminating theme of Scorpio, is too simple and crude.Qi qin "cliff" of thought, more soft, but no pain after feeling;Thought of paradise "our memorial", have the feeling, just need a little bit of sublimation.Finally selected the first in my beloved: 坣 na "lucky".Monologue tone is Scorpio, and the transfer of melody is Scorpio, lyrics is Scorpio, artistic conception and theme, is Venus.

The owner of the exalted Venus, rarely trapped by feeling, because they naturally by the visit.Such as weak as gold Scorpio people trapped, but had to be on the way of love, stumbling, however because of gold Scorpio have experienced a tortuous bizarre, if learn to discover the mystery, when more than anyone else know love precious beautiful.

So, please allow me to gold Scorpio as finale of "Venus and love" series, to have type Scorpio people are going to suffer for love gold (if you are eight imperial secretary Jin Ming and gold, and you also in this category.).In one story, a bunch of a bunch of clip again, no matter how much you have tore heart crack lung of pain, gurglingbleedingWounds, please remember, at least you have someone else out of this whole life experience, vigorous love.

Fatal attraction

Scorpio is a disadvantaged position of Venus, because planets and constellations character don't fit.Have described the Venus soft, bright and so on words, exactly the opposite of the cold, dark and Scorpio.Although gold Scorpio is no way to show love like Jin Tianping feminine side, but in a world of love, gold Scorpio is not weak, not only is fierce, even other venusians do not bite.

Gold scorpion body radiates a huge irresistible power, this kind of power is not necessarily a appearance, or of course will be reflected on the surface, but still more deep, made by the charm - is associated with sex, usually extremely deadly.They smile at people, can be very cold, can be very charming, very innocent, can be very deep, whether how to smile, not with the same inner message - to possess me!!!!!!!

How many people can withstand an secret sexual seduction?Extreme to say that only gold Scorpio doesn't want to, didn't they want less than people, natural love hunting, born gift, a look, a smile, can make the people charmed.Few people can not attracted to them, their deep and mysterious, let a person cannot help but want to go, and when someone once started digging gold Scorpio's heart, will then deep into gold in a Scorpio's love can't from pull out.

They are so attractive, but not everyone harness affordable, even, even the gold Scorpio themselves can't get hold of their love.

Put all your eggs in one basket

If they have fatal attraction to others, then love for them also with the same deadly breath.In the face of his beloved people, gold Scorpio is unable to control my heart, they only have eyes for each other, Venus is love planet, into the weak in Scorpio, but have what the planet itself does not have specific quality.

This, there is a song to sing: "I choose or absolute zero, some middle or not."Is gold Scorpio is typical of love.For they hated ambiguity, the swing is pure gold Scorpio man can't endure, Scorpio world of color, black and white, there is no middle ground.

All the shallow, superficial, or not enough deep feelings, can't love concept in accordance with gold Scorpio.So there's no depth??Can definitely into gold Scorpio eyes, full of sexy, with a mysterious breath, with the depth of the soul is gold Scorpio's mind is good, the so-called soul be short of one cannot.

Gold Scorpio should love into the bone marrow, body and mind are profoundly, to satisfy their desires.He'll voraciously asked each other to give them more love and sex, and they have nowhere to put love and sex, there are too many want to each other.

So if a person is not their food, no matter how the man run out of the way, Kim Scorpio will not with him, Kim Scorpio's eyes are focused on your love.Gold Scorpio may also play with each other, of course, done booted the somebody else open, this time will this person is a scapegoat, replace the gold Scorpio income is less than the man.

Absolute control

Scorpio represents the endless possession and plunder, and their greed is generally difficult to satisfy with the combination of Venus they love, do not consciously want to fully occupy each other's joys and sorrows.

Gold Scorpio to be in love to be a master, master, why still is Scorpio in essence of insecurity, fear of losing, so choose the comprehensive control, holding in his hand, let lovers have nowhere to go.Gold scorpion if you can, always with your lover on, if not, his insecurity will rise sharply, serial killing the CALL, if the other party does not answer the phone not to return messages, or have the slightest ambiguity, suspicion, jealousy, asked as the tide Scorpio's heart into gold, and skeptical jealousy betrayal inevitably become the essential element in the gold Scorpio type love, they always blame the love is not love them, not enough focus on them, but not necessarily understand these suspicious and separation, can be caused by the excessive persistence of their own.The cruel fate is that the things you fear most, will happen, such as the separation of gold Scorpio must face.Kindness is the fate, it is not to give you pain and loss, it is to let you learn to love truly, only with the lost, trying to teach you.

Time monitoring make gold Scorpio live very tired, even painful, but the pain is gold Scorpio is not afraid of emotion experience, no pain which have true love?

It's a pity that not everyone agrees with the truth, not everyone is able to bear the pain of love to his bones.So they control is a double-edged sword, infinite affection for loved ones at the same time, also bring heavy pressure, when pressure intensity beyond the concentration of love, and love, can only escape.


When gold Scorpio had to "leave" the timeless topic, Pluto's true nature is all show.

First thought is revenge.If there is a tender or reason of the moon, then gold Scorpio will soon put down the burden feelings, to meet a better future.If the moon has the same obsession, they will begin their revenge plan.They at the expense of their own, to torture forsake them.Scorpio in charge of the sex and death, to leave as if dead, and the means of revenge is to use.They may and has since become a bad mood, to hook up with everywhere, let the other side the guilty at the same time, also through the pain of the body to stop their inner pain.All this is just to save the other risks.

They also may be the same people who do not love hand in hand to the old, let each other's regret.Love is obviously gold life field of Scorpio most is not willing to compromise, they really put down?Or, they just whenHe died, since a perennial love has left, let is returned to you without a feeling of love in my heart.

If your heart melted and came back, gold Scorpio will happy?No, they don't look back, painful death himself never looked back.Typical gold Scorpio man do all the other attention, of course, has its retaliation or other let the other side look back, but more is to protect their fragile fragile heart, pretending to be strong and it doesn't matter, to cover up deeply grieved.So when the other party really come to their senses, gold Scorpio will have a deep loss, this is not what they want pure, become the flavour of love, abandoned is not too bad.

Scorpio's you to fall in love with gold

We often say, sun signs it's good to be harmonious, challenge position can also inspire warm spark, hedge position may become a complementary good partner.But Venus rules apparently not so smooth, the best way is to find the same configuration of Venus, which is especially obvious in gold type Scorpio man body, in addition to their similar, few others can satisfy their hunger for love for a long time.If you didn't Pluto qualities, away from the gold Scorpio is selected.To retain his heart at that time, you can't stop him.

If you're lucky, king Scorpio fell in love with you, and your heart is subject to his control, so it doesn't matter circuitous, gold Scorpio will really cut loose and disgusting words disgusting thing to do.But it's still a problem to be sustained, they love fire burns to the extreme danger is that moment probably quickly extinguished, fresh stimulus to, of course, remember that fit body and mind be short of one cannot.

If you're lucky, king Scorpio fell in love with you, but you do not like buckle, so they will be best trick play hard to get.One thousand (one thousand) is really you accidentally saw through their game, it's best not to expose them, along with their train of thought "stuck" in, let them feel that you are their bag, after they enjoy playing with, such as a will you take it out, into they had sex.Of course you can also see through, and he was competing (you must have is gold Scorpio type of abuse), see who can endure to the end, it also can yet be regarded as recall boundless appetizer before a meal, when the last of the fog uncovered, followed by ganci agni must have passion.But you'd better hold on to the end, halfway surrendered, disqualified (Kim Scorpio type character is generally not halfway seizure) and other abuses.

If you have not been gold Scorpio attention to, but was deeply attracted by his charming body eyes.First suggestion remains unscathed as soon as possible, with such attractive to like must be hard, but want to think you could pay the physically broken price, whether you consider back a brighter?

The second suggestion is dead, not dead to tie up but dead, dead to tie up will be gold Scorpio look down upon, even if he wants you may also be to send lonely or replacement, or your own.Do a noble person, love must have dignity, even if you end up or not, but you will win the gold Scorpio's respect, at least have a place in his heart, and give you leave room to himself.

Sincerely treat gold Scorpio is very important, although their overly sensitive will make them for you from unnecessary suspicion, but also make them to you every time and small pay sincerely, so moved.Although gold Scorpio's heart is hard to open the door, but if you're lucky enough to get the key to the open, waiting for you, it must be a unforgettable all one's life journey of love.

Note 1: Venus energy itself is not very strong, so with other planets forming phase, especially the conjunction, can significantly affect the Venus sign original characteristics.For example, when Venus and Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto form close phase, must refer to Venus in Capricorn,Aquarius:Pisces, Scorpio idiosyncratic.These qualities than Venus was the constellation of qualities, more influence to a person treat love attitude.(The zodiac /astro/)

Note 2: parsing of love is the most important two planets Venus and the moon, so the moon horoscope can also for your reference.

Scorpio: Venus and love to laugh with tears, don't let life related content

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