Aquarius men love what type of girl

What type of girls _ the zodiac Aquarius man love

Aquarius like thinking, like explore any oneself also don't know, like the strange people and things.He need freedom, including freedom of the body, and the space of ideological and psychological distance.He is eager toA womanTo deep spiritual communication with him, he seeks a woman first is his friend, and then the life and sexual partner.He is not a too on the appearance of a man, he is obsessed with those who are wise and personality of women.


Aquarius boys always attaches great importance to the spirit, they are eager to partner can and resonate with his soul.Is their favorite girl type and have their own thoughts and they have a common language.In their view, a not only have opinions, and personal and and they have a common topic of the girl is very attractive.As long as two people have a resonance, and they will really want to contact this type of girl.

Aquarius boys like girls type

Free and easy type is bold and unrestrained

Aquarius men worship to admire the individualism, the pursuit of the unique way of life.To the opposite sex, he just follow the feeling.What kind of free and easy, warm personality independence with rebellious spirit, dares to challenge the secular Guo Xiang banshee is particularly to Aquarius man taste.New thinking, different behavior, everywhere highlight is not with him and other alternatives.Elegant and refined, the banshee can make bottle man swoon.

Have thought, have resonance talented woman

Aquarius man looking for a soul mate, always has resonance is a key point, at the same time he likes to have personality, ideas, can show their opinions of the smart girl.A cry two make three commit suicide by hanging of the opposite sex for love again absolutely, independent, self-confident and non-stick smart women can cause his curiosity, some of his love bane.

Have the wisdom, girl who has character

Because is the sign of the intellectual, Aquarius boys love is clear and healthy.Not to please a girl, so that pay attention to the atmosphere, the pursuit of romantic amorous feelings of the girls will think he is a confused man.And he doesn't appreciate the kind of girl like fantasy dream weaving.For lack of autonomy, parrot more sleep.His favorite character, ideas, can show their opinions from hui type of girl.In terms of dress up, he never consider whether appropriate oneself, only for those who blindly pursue fashion.He likes to wear a decent, kind face brightens a health beautiful girl, and have a bright and cheerful disposition, optimistic, talkative, with quick mind and make the girl agreed with his point of view, the most attracted to him.And friends because he is very heavy, so care about girl friend, and can give their ideas clearly said the girl, and like QiongGen investigate of the girl, is he admired object.

Aquarius: both inside and outside

Aquarius men like to be independent thought and intelligent woman, but also the spirit wealthy women, this is very let Aquarius man feel appreciative woman, of course, Aquarius men also is indeed a very pursuit of beauty, natural beauty to love!But Aquarius man like beautiful women prefer to intellectual, Aquarius man for a social butterfly type of woman, not too much, think that women are many friends, but for the pursuit of material and friends know too shallow, Aquarius man don't like superficial women, he likes deep, even is the mystery of the woman, with the woman of the story, Aquarius man is more interested in.Is, of course, dress up, Aquarius men prefer women is cool color department is dressed up, cold, light makeup look, it is easier to move his heart!

Aquarius men love what type of girl

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