Taurus men love what type of girl

Taurus men love what type of girls _ the zodiac

TaurusHe likes every sensory organ of the body in the joyful good condition, with a beautiful sexyA womanFall in love.He likes to pursue a beautiful face, beautiful figure of a woman, if you are just like Plato type love, it is best not to close to the Taurus.Any intimate body contact, body language can make this looks peaceful and honest "bull" rush on buffalo as bullfighting.


Taurus boy to a girl's appearance has certain requirements, even if not beautiful, at least also want to let a person feel comfortable.They hate the most is to give it to me straight not, always the suspense needs to guess.Their favorite girl type is the point of frank girl.Also able to work at their best to give advice or support when encounter problems, this type of girls liking in their hearts is very high.

Taurus boy like a girl type

Beautiful wen wan

Taurus men steady and practical in particular, they can more for economic considerations, in terms of life emotional appeal (more than is romantic, the natural beauty makes people feel shocked, kind and easy-going is gently beautiful wen wan, treats others life, the noble character of the pride, but can not see the vertices to the people around you worship but won't be any evil thoughts, the key is in particular can make money for you, just like the snake fairy lady bai, how can such a demon don't let the cattle who fall in love with in one thousand.

The mind pure temperament

Taurus men hate most is to guess to guess the state of mind, for some complicated mind of the woman they are very headache,, as Venus under the care of the constellation of Taurus aesthetic is also have certain requirements, elegant gentle, good body, looks cute, can send hug a girl, can some Taurus man love bane.

The girl honest and sweet voice

Honest and serious person.Though not enthusiastic will actively pursue a girl, but with affection to deep and specificity, so the pursuit of objects, also want a into real cute girl.Because like to highlight so most don't appreciate those who like to show off their knowledge, the girl of the things.Again, for smiles, sounds sweet girl is also very appreciate.In addition to beauty feel very sharp, but the luxuriant feeling, feel tired.Pay special attention to color matching.Most don't like vulgar gorgeous color.Compared with the short hair, would rather stay loose and volume within the long hair like a girl.Like gentle good girl.Too dead skin or skinny girl, do not interest him.

Taurus: inner beauty

Taurus man is very care about the inner beauty in Taurus man looks like a woman can xiangfujiaozi, do their responsibility of, and not disorderly spend money, have a good financial management ideas, this is a good woman.Man must have been like the beauty of, but as the character of the collect inside as Taurus men, even met good looks beauty, also is very shy embarrassed to take the initiative to contact, a big deal to say some words don't contact, but met with Taurus men really love the inner beauty of a woman, Taurus men but will hold good.And one more thing is Taurus men don't like too much luxury of woman, even the Taurus man condition is good, also have no love for money woman.Women like beauty is nature, but every day put their hard earned money to send her face, Taurus man mouth not to say, the in the mind is certainly antipathy.

Taurus men love what type of girl

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