Libra men love what type of girl

Libra men love what type of girls _ the zodiac

Fall in love with a beautiful and harmonious environmentlibraLike the poetic romance.He is eager to beautifulA woman, his first condition for women could not wisdom, personality, but pleasing appearance and with figure."Love and fall into love" is his favorite career, he instinctively know how to keep a good relationship, but he needs to mature into love later.


Most libra boy is elegant gentleman, with a personable temperament.They care about a person's appearance, wearing a dress or mannerisms.Their favorite girl type is elegant fair maiden wen wan.Like the upper-class lady was very appetite on their character, but there is also a premise, the lady must be a character temper is very good, they will go to pursue.

Libra boy like a girl type

Sensible type

Libra men treat heterosexual rational and picky, very focus on women's appearance and temperament.Libra men in some elegant appearance that they are born girls galore.But what kind of a pet raw jiao, love much ado about nothing, like to play small temper arrogant miss is libra male lest shun.Which has elegant elegant flavor, and reasonable women is libra men love.This is not attractive people from fans, with the spring breeze of female RenFu ask for anything?

Very gentle lover

Attaches great importance to the friendship, pay attention to the image of the libra male, no matter how to attract his moment each other once, once your image is the public, libra men will draw a line with you, immediately said he reality or said his vanity, libra man is a social animal, if his friends of his social circle does not recognise you basically you will soon be his negative, on the other hand, if you are surrounded by everyone, word of mouth good lady, he will take the initiative to post to you.

Heart to the girl because of difficult challenge

Once fell in love with a girl, attentive, enthusiasm faded, not in 12 zodiac signs, with the deepest his affection, also require the other party to have deep and sincere feelings.To attract his opposite sex, it is warm and very dedicated girl for things.For boys like flattery, get the girl, even if their favorite type, only keep distance not to close.Conservative though he looks like sven, but appreciate * * and there is a bronze skin girl.Don't emphasize the pursuit of fashion, but like strange, creative costumes.But don't appreciate a girl to do such a dress.Like to have a strong personality beauty girl makeup high characteristics of the lips, as to the hair to long hair is to attract him, especially in the pitch-black shine hair, can make people can't resist the charm of the office.

Libra: physical beauty

Libra men if choose, physical beauty is no exception, are the most critical, for a libra man, appearance is decided to a lot of things, he first determines the libra male do you want to know you, and you have a further development, the second is libra men think women even inner beauty is very good, but also is a mouth, but do not always have the shape.By studying and reading can improve the inner beauty of a woman, but beauty is every day to keep for a long time, libra male beauty can be seen from the outside and the inner beauty of a woman, libra men have an idea is a beautiful woman has never been a lazy woman, there are other all sorts of external quality of internal self-restraint, libra male is very pay attention to these aspects of the woman, of course, viewed from the outside the stand or fall of a woman is not very comprehensive.Libra men sometimes a little bias.

Libra men love what type of girl

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