Cancer men love what type of girl

What type of cancer men love women _ the zodiac

Cancer like family life, cooking, collecting antiques, recall the past.His mind for safety, eager to build a safe and comfortable home.Because of this, he was too need a safeA woman.He quietly on the sidelines, passive waiting, easy to be powerful and positive woman.He caring lover, full of sense of responsibility.Emotionally, he lacks a sense of security, so easy to dark jealousy, this let him not easily fall into love, but once all his devotion, his attitude is serious.


Cancer boys not only very patient, and their tolerance heart is very strong.Seems to be demand for the other half is not picky, but in fact they will consider many factors.Because attaches great importance to family life, so choose carefully.They love considerate, loyal and specificity and family-centered girl type.The girls will make them feel a sense of security and belonging.

Cancer boys like girls type

Gentle and lovely type

Cancer men appearance strong, the heart is very vulnerable.Deep sensibilities often make him rich delicate feelings easily hurt.Then considerate, gentle like water like small zhao woman can always use her tender loving and tender loving care to win the cardiac cancer man.No matter how hard ling desert cancer men will melt in the gentle drizzle.How deep the pain will be this woman licking right.Such syren cancer man, of course, love is not don't release the hand.

Understanding is not blind woman wen wan

Cancer male has considerable patience, love, also can show a considerable tolerance heart, so they look not very strict to the requirement of women, but in fact the opposite is true, underneath the conservative family and emotionally sensitive to considerate wife depends greatly on, and parents' opinion is that they judge the objects of the criterion.Can sense motive, can treat cancer men asThe childGeneral coax, managing cancer male life daily life, with the opposite sex of motherhood, is to some cancer male love acupuncture points.

Women can clearly show the joys and sorrows

Like the sun bright, like self-centered, and obedience to his own, and everyone praised the beautiful girl.But no matter what a beautiful girl, if too rather daunting, there is no love in his favor.Love is like a sunflower Ming yan, and with pride and personality of the modern beauty.Read is bad no relationship, as long as the flexible intelligent.Enough clever girl no matter grow more beautiful, still would not get his attention.If you want to get the favour of his, you face a mirror, frowning and find out all sorts of rich expression.He can enjoy the joys and sorrows all sorts of expression, clearly shows a girl.Bring some exaggerated dramatic effect, more can cause his attention.The pursuit of fashion, bright like to wear fashionable clothes.Quite fashionable girl, is attracted to him.

Cancer: inner beauty

Cancer men hope that his girlfriend is a real gentle woman, from inside to outside sends out the gentle and considerate conjugal love to the husband of the woman, this is a cancer man very want to get, although such little woman now is less, but the cancer men do want to meet meet, and have a good story.For a cancer of men, women's gentle and considerate is the most important, the sign of the cancer is a very maternal, under normal circumstances, the cancer men's love is like a mother to take good care of the family, for their gentleness of woman, also can say cancer manTo get married, it really is to find their own mother.Woman more beautiful without tender feelings, don't know how take good care of the family, is also not in the cancer male ideal girlfriend, cancer is very pay attention to a woman's inner gentleness and care, physical beauty may allow the cancer man see you a few eye, but he was so shy boy, estimated that will not take the initiative to strike up a conversation with beauty.

What type of cancer men love girl

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