Sagittarius men love what type of girl

What type of girls Sagittarius men love _ the zodiac

Love adventure travel, change, striker need freedom, freedom is his nature, he needs to stimulate and change.forA womanAnd he has no fixed desire.He loved the nice time together along with a woman, he likes to communicate with every woman's as an adventure.He didn't have too much stringent requirements, he wouldn't use the secular vision to see the beauty of a woman, sexy, beautiful and knowledge.


Sagittarius men are very brave and adventurous they almost have no fear.But in fact they are most not girl's tears and invade their personal space.Their favorite girl type is not clingy, know the act, and the strong sunlight.Ready to cry and noisy girls they are untouched.Even if fall in love also can give each other space of girl is their favorite.

Sagittarius boy like a girl type

Pure and fresh and free from vulgarity type

Sagittarius men act consistent powerful and unconstrained style, the pursuit of freedom, the freedom of life.Natural adventurous personality makes them keen on outdoor sports, like an arrow shot out free between the mountains.Which has the small streams, clear and bright, pure and fresh and free from vulgarity temperament ying ning type female fox, it is easy to attract the striker a man's heart.They like to bow is a gentle, like water lotus very cool wind of attraction.

Personality independent woman

Natural disposition is bold Sagittarius men are not afraid of anything, just afraid of two things: a fear of a woman crying;Two are scared of women.A met a cry two make three commit suicide by hanging type of little women, the only thing they want to do and can do is Semitic, disappear.So and Sagittarius men talk about feelings, Sagittarius men like soar in the sky of the kite, and on the ground holding thread running the girl is you, only know a girl is flying a kite, to point the striker male love bane, in their heart.

The girl who loves smile and movement

Very passionate and minds right, his personality is also very clear.If love a girl must not to hide his feelings.As his symbol - an arrow, will directly into each other's heart.And he is impatient, for the passive girl, is a lack of interest.Although love him, but also to get along well with other members of the opposite sex of the girl, as long as it can provoke his possessiveness, will get the favour of him.In addition, also appreciate individuality frank and your personal opinion is strong girl, enjoy body beauty and health, and have a foreign face of beauty.Compared with gentle girl, he prefers hobby movement, the personality is bright, smiling girl but hate boring girl.Don't like to dress up is too complicated, so simple and natural beauty of the girl attract him.

Sagittarius: physical beauty

Sagittarius men like is small and lovely girl, the first is looking very sweet girl, can give a good impression for the Sagittarius men, Sagittarius men is more short, but looks very of girl have a special favor.Sagittarius men are typical sunshine big boy character, so is has a great affection for a cute little girl.In addition, Sagittarius men are not so pay attention to inner beauty, girls kind, ingenuity that is important, but has a great deficit, and their personality even it is a good woman, Sagittarius men don't like it.Sagittarius men hope to meet a two people can be very harmonious, this girl play together, although it is very rare, but the Sagittarius men have never given up looking for, key point of interest is two people can together!

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