What is the chief drawback of Aquarius

Aquarius:The biggest drawback is

What is the chief drawback of Aquarius _ the zodiac

Is the so-called no one is perfect, everyone has their own advantages, also has its own shortcomings, often a lot of people will only see their own advantages and neglected his own shortcomings, it is not good for your progress, let us have a look at what is the chief drawback of Aquarius, only the correct understanding oneself to let oneself become better.

Aquarius:The biggest drawback is

Aquarius likes to make friends, the opposite sex friend very much.After but they have a lover, also don't know in the distance, the friendship between the people of the opposite sex and even sometimes seem too vague and too close.So, this will lead to let oneself lover is very difficult to produce a sense of security, always feel is not special.

Aquarius man defect list

Aquarius: love, fear of marriage, unqualified patriarch, extreme, cleanliness, men's and women's informal, naive long is not big, wulitou, find excuses for yourself, can't bear the responsibility, not mature, naughty, just enjoy the feeling of joy;Unwilling to bear the sentiment of debt.

Aquarius woman defect list

Aquarius: duplicity disease the vulgar, carefree, free and easy is not virtuous, wulitou fantasy, escape, capricious, not according to the brand, insecure, curious sometimes a bad thing.

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