What is the chief drawback of Taurus

TaurusThe biggest drawback is

What is the chief drawback of Taurus _ the zodiac

Is no one is perfect, everyone has their own advantages, also has its own shortcomings, often a lot of people will only see their own advantages and neglected his own shortcomings, it is not good for your progress, let us have a look at what is the chief drawback of Taurus, only the correct understanding oneself to let oneself become better.

What is the chief drawback of Taurus

Taurus is the biggest drawback is too irritable temper.They would often sit, even if sometimes clearly know oneself is wrong, but they are respectable, killing all don't admit it.So, if you want to apologize to let Taurus, want to make very longThe war.In addition, Taurus a met a less satisfactory things it's easy to get angry, is unlikely to regulate their emotions.

Taurus men defect list

Taurus man: Taurus: pragmatic don't understand romantic, stubborn, but I don't think so, lewd, lazy, sluggish, flexibility, lack of innovation, the lack of spirit of adventure and it is dull, conservative, inferiority "chichikov old man" type, self-indulgence, irritability, zhenyi, jealous.

Taurus female defect list

Taurus: rebellious character, the expression of bad feelings, materialistic, money worship, stubborn, wonks, stingy, conservative tradition, possessive, sometimes unreasonable, slow, love changes.

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