Capricorn is the biggest drawback is

Capricorn is the biggest drawback is

Capricorn is the chief drawback of _ the zodiac

Is the so-called no one is perfect, everyone has their own advantages, also has its own shortcomings, often a lot of people will only see their own advantages and neglected his own shortcomings, it is not good for your progress, let us have a look at what is the chief drawback of Capricorn, only the correct understanding oneself to let oneself become better.

Capricorn is the biggest drawback is

Capricorn is too rigid, often is bound by the rules.No matter what they have to think twice, it is very cautious.Dealing with things also appear too rigid, not flexible.Careful to do things not fault, but sometimes there are some things need to be flexible.Their life is like a secured by rules, freedom of space is very small.

Capricorn men defect list

Capricorn: frowsty coquettish, abdomen black, dull, be good at camouflage, melancholy, is not determined, insecure, not completely, believe others, strict requirements.

The Capricorn woman defect list

Capricorn: insecurity, rigid tradition, no life fun, very boring, no definite viewA womanInferiority, stubborn self-deception, serious, heart.

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